Next, Russert asks Dick Durbin to comment on some remarks he's made about what he wants to ask Karl Rove.
Durbin wants to ask Karl Rove's influences on other attorneys who were retained. Did he ask politically motivated actions of others. How many others did play ball? How many were contacted by members of congress or higher up... to influence elections."
Spector says that he thinks the president is wrong for not wanting a transcript, that he'd prefer to have the hearings public, but that rather than hearings before both bodies, it could be streamlined.
If Spector turns on Gonzales, it is a turn against the president. The right and the MSM will try to spin it differently, but there is no getting around it. Like an inoperable tumor that has intertwined itself into the brain or spine, Bush has embraced Gonzales so tightly, so protectively, if Gonzales goes down, Bush's corruption will have to be faced. He may avoid, using presidential immunity defenses, direct testimony against him, but the nation will know. The congress will know.
There will be more Republicans who can no longer deny they, like the wives of sexual predators of children, live in a house where massive abuse is going on. Their fear for their continued survival, their loyalty to a damaged relationship will fail to maintain the lie. They may not speak out, but they will find others who feel the same way, and soon enough, they will make THE WALK.
The walk is the walk by at least one dozen Republican senators to the Whitehouse. They will walk there to tell Bush and Cheney it is time for them to go, that they are ready to support impeachment, if necessary, but willing to help negotiate resignations that minimize the risk of prosecution.
This will not be easy. Should the Dem congress allow Bush and Cheney to resign with some immunity from prosecution? The temptation will be to resist giving Bush and Cheney any slack. But allowing them to resign, perhaps with a confession of some sort, with public testimony-- along the lines of South Africa's truth and reconciliation hearings-- might go a long way to get us back on track.
My guess is the Republicans would want to see a Republican replacement. That would NOT be acceptable. Nancy Pelosi is next in line and she should become the first Female President. My guess is the republicans will put this off until spring 2008, after the presidential primaries are far along, especially, after the California primary, when it will be too late for Pelosi, as the incumbent president, to declare she is running for president for the 2008 race. After all, if "THE WALK" happens this spring or summer, and Pelosi has even six months to show a strong track record, she has a very good chance of becoming the leading contender in the Democratic presidential primary race.
It IS getting interesting, isn't it?
Which Senate Republicans do YOU think will be among those who take THE WALK to the whitehouse?
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