Imagine you're living in a community in which criminals are poisoning the water supply and basically own the police force. Naturally, they're dealing drugs and are responsible for most of the "organized crime" in the community. Also imagine that (like their television caricatures) they like to see themselves as "businessmen". Indeed, most of their income actually does comes from businesses like grocery stores, fuel companies, clothing stores, and maybe advertising on local television stations.
In short, in this fantasy community "organized crime" is thriving, even though the citizens of the community have lost nearly all of their civil rights, (remember, the criminals "own" the government), and have no political representation. Their financial lives continue to get worse and worse (many families now have three jobs and vacations are a memory), and the feeling of hopelessness is like smog of despair that poisons every aspect of the community.
And oh yes, most of the churches are worse than useless since they're either sucking up to the criminals, or they condition their followers to escape into psychotic fairly tales in which the world in going to go boom any day now. Sigh!
Politics is much worse since (big surprise!) nearly all the politicians are at the hog trough provided by the criminals for their obedient political monkeys. Are you listening, 2006 “Democratic” Congress?
So, what does the average citizen (American) do in such a living hell?
Boycotts, what else? What else CAN they do? Boycott the grocery stores, fuel companies, clothing stores, and television stations that sing the praises of organized crime.
Of course, this is simply a hypothetical community, but, as the mathematicians would say, the point is to EXTRAPOLATE our story to our dying country (and make not mistake, it IS dying!) at large.
We need to "think big" here, because IF these folks, these consumers (these AWESOMELY powerful consumers), DID boycott the criminal businesses of these killers of decency, rationality, and the very Earth, it would very quickly (how shall we put it?) draw blood.
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