Two countries come to mind:
(1.) Well, since he's obscenely joined at the hip with Osama bin laden, why doesn't he just convert to Saudi Arabia? Remember, Osama rescued Bush with a last minute photo op during the 2004 presidential election (if you can call that criminal theft an "election"). Also, we should never forget that Bush whisked members of the bin laden family out of the country a matter of HOURS after 9/11 -- kinda sounds like he knew "something" in advance, doesn't it? And more generally, since the Bush Royal Family is indistinguishable from the Saudi Royal Family, perhaps the Saudi's would make Bush an honorary prince if he made his traitorous allegiance to Saudi Arabia known to the American public.
(2.) And speaking of traitors, the other conversion would be for Bush to join the "virtual country" of Israel's extremist right wing (who his neocon cabal of advisors have been faithfully obeying for the last 8 years). However, the Israeli citizenship really doesn't fit so well here, since these fanatics no more represent the complex state of Israel than our equivalent right wing lunatic fringe (whom we devoutly hope the world is not equating with the polled majority of the American people). In addition, we should keep in mind that the Labor Party of Israel is FAR more progressive than our elite/fascist one party system. Nevertheless, Bush's heart and brain (if you can find them) clearly belong to the Israeli right wing with whom he has at least "virtual citizenship".
Now all of this is as opposed to what?
My goodness, as opposed to being a TRUE citizen (much less President) of the United States of America.
All the lovers and loyalties of George W. Bush are in other countries. He probably doesn't have a clue how to sing "God Bless America" and one wonders if he even knows we're here.
Now let's be absolutely clear about this. According to all the polls, Bush is supported only by an ever shrinking minority of the American people (less the 30% in many polls), so why doesn't the piece of s___ simply CHANGE HIS CITIZENSHIP?
AMERICA isn't his country (and probably never has been). His heart doesn't belong the Daddy, but it DOES belong to Saudi Arabia and/or the "virtual country" of the Israeli lunatic fringe right wing.
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