Early this morning, a comment was posted on Op-Ed News asking me how others can contribute and make a Grassroots effort by the people really become successful and actually be a decisive force in stopping the Senate from passing the the insidious “Thought Crime Prevention Bill”, otherwise known as the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007.
I originally started writing on this subject with the purpose of laying-out the basis for the movement, and thought it was necessary to receive endorsements by other more well-known activists; I have since changed my mind, especially when I noted early this morning that three (3) other sites had joined-in and were reproducing this series and/or linking to my site. This is such a heinous assault against our Constitution that once people actually read what it entails, without endorsements from anyone, they are joining-in and making it happen themselves - and now, I believe it’s time to turn up the heat! Also, I found an excellent analysis of said bill that far surpasses anything I’ve read, and a link to that Op-Ed will be posted at the end of the brief article.
To make this protest a success, if people actually join-in as they have been, making it a success is actually simply. Anything I write is available to reproduce without requesting my approval, and those of you that post on other sites - all you have to do is reproduce this article, the one I list at the bottom of the page, and ask others to do the same. Link to it, try and get it published on large sites like the Democratic Underground, a site which I’m a member, but haven’t engaged in enough discussions to have the privilege of posting a new thread myself. Post it in every discussion forum you can think of, and email it to every friend you have. When you email it to friend, include this message so they will also cross-post the issue(s) and urge others to do the same.
That is all that needs to be done to make it successful, and by doing so, it will swell and gain momentum like nothing you’ve ever seen! Once word gets out that the phone lines and email in Congress and The White House is becoming overwhelmed, the movement will gain momentum by the very nature of people realizing that they are actually impacting their own future - and that’s what all of this is centered upon; Americans finally taking the initiative to express their indignation and disgust that our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law is so flagrantly being violated - and if anyone tells you that we can’t make a difference - don’t listen, because we can, and the momentum is already building!
I am attempting to funnel the traffic into Op-Ed News, not because I favor them over other Progressive/Liberal sites, but because they have the bandwidth, the print capabilities, and the ability to email this article to friends without ever having to leave their site. I’m not a Linux Guru, and haven’t figured out how to install those capabilities on my own site, so must choose a Progressive site to do it for me, and besides, once you visit Op-Ed News, you will be struck by the diversity of articles, News, and Op-Ed’s by some of our most well-known activists.
The article that best describes this unconscionable assault on our constitution (IMO) is here, and be prepared to be shocked on how our own government is attempting to quash Free Speech in America, and make it a matter of simplicity to declare those of us that are discontented with the course this nation is taking to be locked-up and imprisoned only because we have enough wherewithal to disagree:
The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak
After you’ve read that, then please go to this article, and it lists all of the articles you can circulate, email, and print for those who don’t have computers:
Freedom Is Not Free, The Momentum Is Building!
That’s all there is to it, and let’s give ourselves two (2) days before we begin to really hammer the White House and Congress! I’d suggest starting in huge numbers on Tuesday, giving this enough time to circulate even more through the Internet, and don’t stop at one day, but keep it up until we are assured this Bill has been defeated; not a maybe, or “we’ll work on it”, but defeated and dead so we can begin to focus on other important areas of contention.
Good Luck, and remember that “LUCK” is spelled “WORK”, and this will require all of us to spend 10 to 20 minutes per day to make it effective, and for those of you that cross-post it or include it on discussion forums, even more time than that, but the rewards will be well worth it!
Thank you all,
William Cormier
NOTE: If for some unforeseen reason, my site does go dark again, or I’m arrested for instigating a completely peaceful protest, our right as Americans who are only exercising our Free Speech as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States - please do not allow that to affect this vital protest, one that could save thousands of us from being persecuted by our own government. Be proud, exercise your rights as Americans, and even though they may try to intimidate us by an arrest or two, it’s only an attempt to instill even more fear into the population, and I think we’ve all had enough of that!