Broadcast 3/24/2010 at 10:37 AM EDT (15 Listens, 18 Downloads, 576 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Obama's fog of eloquence. Don't listen to the speeches. Look at what
he's doing and who he's meeting with.
That's the problem that
the dems, including obama when the speeches end, the back room meetings
his take on Obama...
I've been significantly
disappointed. He has so far, not fought for the things that I wish had
fought much harder for.
This is not a great progressive
achievement. It's a washington achievement.
Nancy did become one
of the more important speakers.... will be good on the fight for
financial reform.
Democrats to watch out for... Lieberman, Lincoln,
Nelson ... Whitehouse.
The problem with Democrats is everything
that happened under Bush and Cheney has continued under Obama and the
in a mid-term election, "it's the base, stupid."
running against Blanche Lincoln is a major message to send to
Obama, Whitehouse, Democratic leadership-- all
supporting Blanche Lincoln.
Ohio, Missouri, Florida republican
senate seats that Dems have a shot.
20:15 move to podcast.
situation will determine November elections.
lobbyists are
always there.
Way to win... it's hard-- have to keep going back--
demand public option.
We have to be as tenacious and involved as
all those lobbyists.
What you don't do is claim credit for
Rahm Emanuel-- does what the president tells him to
Progressives in congress--
Pelosi got a lot of
progressive legislation passed that died in the graveyard of the senate.
Obama doesn't fight. Has the reputation that he can be rolled.
Likud leadership doesn't have respect for the president. They think he
can be rolled. At same time Iranians are stalling-- they don't respect
him. Lobbyists think he can be pushed around or bought, or make bad
deals. Republicans think they can attack him with impunity.
need longetivity--have to stay in the fight and be just as relentless as
the right.
We progressives speak for the majority of Americans.
Democrats are afraid to call themselves liberal, let alone progressive.
Senior aide to Obama said, supporters of the public option are
"left of the left."
Take on Dennis Kucinich's recent episode.
he says that gets him on MSNBC less.
bottom-up 55:00
Size: 28,093,962 -- 0 hrs, 58 min, 31 sec