Poll What to do with CEOs and Execs who have received bailout bonuses? The NYT is reporting that corporate executives have profitted handsomely from the $700 billion taxpayer funded bailout. In fact an Associated Press study reveals that excutives have received $1.6 billion from the bailout.The question: what to do with these executive sleaze balls? Publicly behead them; perhaps, in Central Park 30% from 26 votes Send them to eastern Afghanistan without any weapons 27% from 23 votes Send them to Guantanamo Bay to be interrogated 30% from 26 votes Castrate them so the scumbags can't reproduce 9% from 8 votes Use them as dart boards during lunch break 3% from 3 votes 86 votes Vote View Demographics Cross-Tab Results Invite Your Friend(s) to Vote: Share This Poll You can publish this poll on your blog or website. To embed a poll, just copy the code from this "Embed" box. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it. Embed: See What It Will Look Like <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.opednews.com/populum/poll_api.php?pid=280&layout=default"></script>