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November 16, 2015     

Close Guantanamo and Return It to Cuba: click here

Submitted by Lance Ciepiela
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From commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Guantanamo_detention_camp_Guard_Tower_Septembe_12_2007.jpg: Guantanamo Bay Prison
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Close Guantanamo and Return It to Cuba click here "The tried and convicted war criminal and torturer believed he could detain and torture human beings outside the law at Guantanamo".



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Lance Ciepiela

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Charge is for Crime of Torture and War Crimes against eight citizens of the United States, and they are namely, George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo. wherein: the Accused persons had committed the Crime of Torture and War Crimes, in that: The Accused persons had willfully participated in the formulation of executive orders and directives to exclude the applicability of all international conventions and laws, namely the Convention against Torture 1984, Geneva Convention III 1949, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter in relation to the war launched by the U.S. and others (Crimes Against Peace) in Afghanistan (in 2001) and in Iraq (in March 2003); Additionally, and/or on the basis and in furtherance thereof, the Accused persons authorized, or connived in, the commission of acts of torture and cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment against victimsin violation of international law, treaties, and conventions including the Convention against Torture 1984, and the Geneva Conventions, including Geneva Convention III 1949.

Submitted on Monday, Nov 16, 2015 at 10:51:00 AM

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