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Related Topic(s): Control; Deceit; Government; Money

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments.
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James Madison Co-author of U.S. Constitution

Related Topic(s): Control; Deceit; Government; History; Money

History records that the money changers have used
every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible
to maintain their control over governments.
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James Madison Co-author of U.S. Constitution

Related Topic(s): Deceit; Deception; Enabling; Enemies; Enemy; Fraud; Inevitable; Torture; Tyranny; Tyrants Tyranny; War Crimes; Weakness

As I've Always Said, Impeachment Is Off The Table
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Nancy Pelosi Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi is the 60th and current Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Before being elected Speaker in the 110th Congress, she was the House Minority Leader from 2003 to 2007, holding the post during the 108th and 109th Congresses.

A member of the Democratic Party, Pelosi has represented the 8th Congressional District of California, which consists of four-fifths of the City and County of San Francisco, since 1987. The district was numbered as the 5th during Pelosi's first three terms in the House.

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Related Topic(s): Character; Deceit; Deception; Integrity; Lying; VIRTUE

He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second time.

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Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826) was the third President of the United States (1801-1809), and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776). Jefferson was one of the most influential Founding Fathers, known for his promotion of the ideals of republicanism in the United States. Jefferson envisioned America as the force behind a great "Empire of Liberty" that would promote republicanism and counter the imperialism of the British Empire.Major events during his presidency include the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806), as well as escalating tensions with both Britain and France that led to war with Britain in 1812, after he left office.

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Related Topic(s): Activism; Caution; Consequences; Deceit; Dissent; Ethics; Insight; Treachery; Vigilance

If you can get them asking the wrong questions, it doesn't matter what the answers are.
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Thomas Pynchon

Related Topic(s): Dishonesty; Lying; Sin; Truth

Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all.

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Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr

Related Topic(s): Assumptions; Consciousness; Contentment; Corruption; Determiniation; Dishonesty; Honesty; Injustice; Intuition; Justice; Perception; Procrastination; Rationalization; Reason; Reputation; Risks; Social Justice; The People

Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. M...
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Related Topic(s): Dishonesty; Fraud; LIES; Lying; Truth

An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling lie.

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Aldous Huxley

Related Topic(s): Debate; Dishonesty; Health Care; Honesty; Insurance Care; Real Health Care

Have we not already decided that health care is a right of citizenship and not a luxury only for those who can afford it? Do we need to re-argue that issue? If that is clear then the debate ought to focus on how to accomplish that goal. There are only two possible alternatives. One is to develop a single payer, tax-supported system like the developed nations of the world with the single exception of the United States have done. The alternative...
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Bishop John Shelby Spong John Shelby "Jack" Spong (born June 16, 1931) is a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church. From 1979 to 2000 he was Bishop of Newark (based in Newark, New Jersey). He is a liberal Christian theologian, religion commentator and author. He calls for a fundamental rethinking of Christian belief away from theism and traditional doctrines. [Wikipedia]

Related Topic(s): Advice; Lying; Press; Treachery

Some time before he became involved in the Dreyfus Affair, Emile Zola wrote an article called "The Toad." It purported to be his advice to a young writer who could not stomach the aggressive mendacity of a press which in 1890 was determined to plunge the citizens of France into disaster.

Zola explained to the young man his method for inuring himself to newspaper columns. Each morning, over a period of time, he bought a toad in the market place...
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Dalton Trumbo Dalton Trumbo (December 9, 1905 - September 10, 1976) was an American screenwriter and novelist, and one of the Hollywood Ten, a group of film professionals who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947 during the committee's investigation of Communist influences in the motion picture industry.

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Related Topic(s): Deception; LIES; Lying

the best way to sell a lie is to wrap it in some truth and a story
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Rob Kall www.opednews.com/rob

Related Topic(s): Deception; EQUIVOCATION; EVASION; Lying

A truth that's told with bad intent
Beats all the lies you can invent.

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William Blake

An English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his lifetime, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of both the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age. His prophetic poetry has been said to form "what is in proportion to its merits the least read body of poetry in the English language".[1] His visual artistry has led one modern critic to proclaim him "far and away the greatest artist Britain has ever produced".[2] Although he only once journeyed farther than a day's walk outside London during his lifetime,[3] he produced a diverse and symbolically rich corpus, which embraced the imagination as "the body of God",[4] or "Human existence itself".[5]

Related Topic(s): Deception; Fraud; Lying; SHAM

He always succeeded in his deceptions, as he knew well this aspect of things."

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Niccolo Machiavelli

Related Topic(s): Deception; Honesty; Lying; RELTIONSHIPS

Since relationships are created by the dayto day process of "sharing reality, we cannot have a relationship built upon lies, even benevolent ones. The chance of deception becomes always possible as the basis for all future interaction. Your real self... becomes permanently violated and all future interrelatedness assumes the possibility of a series of lies. Security in relating vanishes. Only the truth can help us feel secure... can bring us the...
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Leo Buscaglia

Related Topic(s): Deception; LIES; Lying

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.

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Related Topic(s): Deception; Lying

Amusement that is excessive and pursued only for its own sake allures and deceives us, and leads us down imperceptibly in thoughtlessness to the grave
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Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal (June 19, 1623, in Clermont-Ferrand, France - August 19, 1662, in Paris) was a French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher. He was a child prodigy who was educated by his father, a civil servant. Pascal's earliest work was in the natural and applied sciences where he made important contributions to the construction of mechanical calculators, the study of fluids, and clarified the concepts of pressure and vacuum by generalizing the work of Evangelista Torricelli. Pascal also wrote in defense of the scientific method.

Pascal was a mathematician of the first order. He helped create two major new areas of research. He wrote a significant treatise on the subject of projective geometry at the age of sixteen, and later corresponded with Pierre de Fermat on probability theory, strongly influencing the development of modern economics and social science. Following Galileo and Torricelli, in 1646 he refuted Aristotle's followers who insisted that nature abhors a vacuum. His results caused many disputes before being accepted.

Related Topic(s): Deception; Friends; Friendship; Honor; Lying; Trust

It is more dishonourable to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.
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La Rochefoucauld Antoine de la Rochefoucauld, the second of this name, Seigneur de Chaumont-sur-Loire, served Louis I de Bourbon, prince de Condé as a knight (chevalier de l'ordre du Roi) and his chamberlain. 7 October 1552, he married Cécile de Montmirail, daughter of Étienne de Montmirail, seigneur de Chambourcy, maître des Requêtes and Louise de Selve.

He fought at the Battle of Jarnac on 13 March 1569, where the Prince de Condé was killed, and succeeded to withdraw his troops to Cognac. Charged by Gaspard de Coligny, he then took Nontron, 8 June.


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