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Can We Please Stop Pretending that Christianity is Anti-Socialism? Please? (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Gregory Paul)
UTTER CONTEMPT (374 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Crossing the line from the rule of law, from democracy and from ethics and values. These links show the venality not just the greed!
CHARTER Schools --the school CHOICE fraud and chaos (266 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
'The implication of 'school choice' programs is that good choices by 'consumers' lead to good results, and poor choices lead to poor results. But recasting poverty as a choice is not only misguided but damaging to the fabric of democracy. High-stakes standardized testing also creates a marketplace of shoddy comparisons--a marketplace that fails to see the strength in certain types of variation because it erroneously regards all variation as weakness.Charter schools do no better than public schools, and in most cases do worse, despite the fact that they get to choose students, and eliminate the most needy children. Moreover, many are riddled with fraud, because they are not accountable to the people or the government.
Reviews (111 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Marta Steele)
Reviews of books, films, performances, and other live events
Bayou Corne Sinkhole (32 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
In Spring of 2012, Louisiana's Corne and Grand Bayou residents noticed strange bubbling in the bayou for many weeks, and they reported smelling burnt diesel fuel and sulfur. Suddenly a sinkhole the size of three football fields appeared on Aug. 3, swallowing scores of 100-foot tall cypress trees. The sinkhole resulted from the failure of Texas Brine Company's abandoned underground brine cavern. The Department of Natural Resources issued a Declaration of Emergency on Aug. 6, and 150 families were evacuated. For more maps, diagrams and additional information, please see the other installments in this series.
Ending democracy: end the institution of public schools (242 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
The INSTITUTION THAT IS OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS is the road to opportunity, and it is also the only way we can have an informed citizenry with the kind of prior knowledge, real, true facts about our history and human behavior throughout the past. Those who want to end our democracy know, that if they control our schools then democracy is over.
WEALTH (229 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Wealth: the growing disparity is creating a great chasm between the masses of the people and the obscene wealth in the hands of a few, who are creating a NEW world order.
The No Billionaires, De-Billionairize the Planet Crusade (46 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Billionaires are freaks, economic mutants that are extremely dangerous to democracy and the middle class. Some of us feel it is time to make it illegal and impossible to be a billionaire. I've also created a Facebook group to support the conversation about getting rid of billionaires, here
politics in general (132 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Marta Steele)
Articles related to politics that don't fit into any of my other categories, like my Oct. 14, 2015, diary on the first Democratic candidates' debate.
Ukraine Disaster - Strike three for Obama's neocons (36 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Michael Collins)
First, there was Libya, then Syria, now we witness the inevitible destruction of a nation state with Obama's neoconcservative provocateurs get involved. What's wrong with paying attention to problems and those in need in the United States?
Balanced Voting (108 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Cohen)
Politics in America has always been dominated by two major parties and often several others that are widely understood to not have a chance of taking power. Is there some way to change this?Articles in this series discuss several other ways we might vote that would encourage there to be a wider range of choices for voters. The basic notion is that voters should be permitted to vote against any candidate just as they can vote for any candidate. Several approaches to allowing this are discussed in different articles. Balanced voting (which is a term that unfortunately has been adopted, mostly in Europe with a completely different meaning) quite directly takes into account opposition to a candidate as well as support. This will often remove the advantage that celebrity candidates have.
Democracy Crisis (235 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
With the advent of a serial liar and an incompetent, ignorant unstable person to the office of President, we are facing a Constitutional crisis, as well as a cultural one, as rules, regulations and our values are eroded.
The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Bill Simpich)
legislature and governorsL false info- undoing education (193 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Police Gone Wild (19 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
as we enter deeper into a militarized police state, the police become more unaccountable and out of control. Page 2 of 37 (Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ) 31 to 60 of 1092 series |