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Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination!

Series Created By Steve Consilvio (16 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Boom and Bust Drivers, From ImagesAttr
Boom and Bust Drivers
(Image by Steve Consilvio)
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Related Topic(s): Alternative Financing; Boom And Bust; History Of; Private Debt; Retirement Savings; Sales Taxes; State Income Taxes


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 03/27/2013 Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination (Chapter 1: Money) (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
2 Article 04/13/2013 Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination! (Chapter 2: Who Owns The Money?) (View How Many People Read This)
3 Article 04/26/2013 What is a Budget? Alternative Economics 101 - Book Excerpt: TAX Your Imagination! (Chapter 3) (View How Many People Read This)
4 Article 06/30/2013 Alternative Economics 101: Chapter 4: What is a Inflation? - TAX Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This)
5 Article 07/04/2013 What are Boom and Bust? Alternative Economics 101 - Chapter 5: Tax Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This)
6 Article 07/13/2013 Alternative Economics 101 - What is the Cost of Living? (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count
7 Article 08/01/2013 7. The Politics of Money from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
8 Article 08/30/2013 8. What is the GDP/GNP? from Alternative Economics 101 - Tax Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This)
9 Article 09/10/2013 9. The National Debt is the Inverse of Inflation - from Alternative Economics 101 / TAX Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This) 5 5 Comment Count
10 Article 09/16/2013 10. What is a Ponzi Scheme? - from Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
11 Article 09/30/2013 11. Big History, The Anatomy of Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This) 17 17 Comment Count
12 Article 10/16/2013 12. The Anatomy of Contradictory Ideas, from Alternative Economics 101 -Tax Your Imagination (View How Many People Read This) 1 1 Comment Count
13 Article 10/23/2013 13. The Anatomy of Hierarchy, from Alternative Economics 101 - TAX Your Imagination! (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count
14 Article 11/15/2013 14. What is Modern Finance? (View How Many People Read This)
15 Article 04/10/2014 Chapter 15: The FIRE Economy and C=M+L (View How Many People Read This) 54 54 Comment Count
16 Article 06/10/2014 What is to be done? (Final Chapter of Tax Your Imagination!) (View How Many People Read This) 2 2 Comment Count

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