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Middle East Articles

Series Created By Scott Baker (9 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Photo Fraud in Gaza, From ImagesAttr
Photo Fraud in Gaza
(Image by Rabbi Shraga Simmons)
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Articles about the current conflicts in the Middle East, offering new perspectives.

Related Topic(s): False Accusations Of Terrorism; False News Reports; Israel Gaza Talks; Israel-hamas War; Israel-palestinians Multi-national Peace Talks In; Israeli Protests; Isreal-Palestine; Mohammed Morsi President Of Egypt


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 08/20/2009 A modest proposal for the settlements on the Israeli West Bank (View How Many People Read This) 7 7 Comment Count
2 Article 11/27/2012 The Middle East Propaganda War (View How Many People Read This) 75 75 Comment Count
3 Quicklink 06/24/2013 Why The NWO Hates Syria (View How Many People Read This)
4 Article 08/17/2013 It is not a coup, It is the will of Egyptian people - YouTube (View How Many People Read This)
5 Article 09/11/2013 Is the Syria Chemical Weapons Attack a false flag event? (View How Many People Read This) 14 14 Comment Count
6 Article 08/08/2014 10 Reasons Progressives Ought to support Israel, even now (View How Many People Read This) 191 191 Comment Count
7 Article 03/03/2015 Netanyahu - The Speech and a practical response (View How Many People Read This) 58 58 Comment Count
8 Article 11/27/2023 Two states for Israel and Palestine is dead. Time for new Solutions. (View How Many People Read This) 67 67 Comment Count
9 Article 01/26/2024 David Swanson's lopsided screed today about ICJ Report on Israel-Gaza (View How Many People Read This) 15 15 Comment Count

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