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Global Smart Meters Roll-Out And Serfdom Of Humanity

Series Created By Mario Dufour (1 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

Mouton Rothschild Farms, From ImagesAttr
Mouton Rothschild Farms
(Image by Mario Dufour)
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Part 1 : Smart Meters and Wolve's Sheep Pen
Part 2 : Smart Meter's Me$h Network
Part 3 : Hydro-Quebec's Famous Partner In Crime OR When Condoleza Rice Gives A Sniff At Your Panties!

Related Topic(s): Accenture; Consumer; Management; Slavery; Smart Power; Smartphones


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 08/05/2014 Smart Meters and Wolve's Sheep Pen (View How Many People Read This) 4 4 Comment Count

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