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Blackwater or Bloodwater? The New World Order's New World Military.

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More to this section: See the link below to a letter written by Rep.Waxman to Rumsfeld, the secrecy goes way beyond comprehension!


My Reality vs Their Myth

My Reality: Blackwater USA is a "private army." - "This is a basically new phenomenon: corporatized private military services doing the front-line work soldiers used to do," said Peter W. Singer, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington who has written the book, "Corporate Warriors"(Cornell University Press, 2003)

Troops rely on private contractors to maintain 28% of all weapons systems and the bushites want to increase that number to 50%.

"There are some weapons systems that the U.S. military forces do not have the capability to do their own maintenance on," says David Young, a deputy commander at the Defense Contract Management Agency. "When you take these weapons systems into a combat zone, is contract support still reliable, expecially if you are facing weapons of mass destruction? It's a source of worry when you're talking about chemical or biological weapons."

MPRI (Military Professional Resources Inc.) says it can call on 12,500 vets with expertise in military operations ranging from nuclear operations to submarine attacks! The company's CEO is retired General Carl Vuono, Army chief of staff during the 1st Gulf war and the invasion of Panama. Colin Powell described the General as "one of my dearest friends." And these guys barely compete with Blackwater!

Daniel Nelson, a former Marshall Center professor said, "Someone at MPRI opens the Defense Dept. phone book and says, 'Oh, so-and-so, I served with him,'" says Nelson. "He picks up the phone: ' Joe, remember me? I'm working with MPRI now. Hey, listen, bud, we have a real opportunity to go to Equatorial Guinea.' Nothing more complex than that. It is a relationship based on years of camaraderie."

I think Erik Prince has more camaraderie than this. He doesn't have to call the DOD he calls the White House.

As far as contracts go with the DOD, Blackwater works around that by secretly subverting the system by working for Haliburton and the like. Check out this link to a letter written by Waxman to Rumsfeld, it will blow your mind: click here you read the document you will see how they have subverted our system, causing the reason for the "enormous costs" of this "war" and how we are paying for it and have been long before this war! More proof of the money they are cleaning us out of, spreading the gaps wider by overbilling and shilling us!

Blackwater has been proven to have signed contracts with the Pentagon, the State Department, the UN, the OSCE, the African Union and even some NGO's and the Red Cross.

Even with all this their hardware speaks for itself in my book. They're not an army all right....they're better than ANY army! Better equipment, better training, and governed by no master except themselves.

Their Myth: Blackwater is a team of military and law enforcement veterans and other motivated, capable Americans who protect diplomats, provide training, and offer logistic services. Blackwater only conducts defensive missions and currently has no Department of Defense contracts in Iraq.- Blackwater USA website

In the Alan Maass interview Jeremy Scahill said, "I was just in Washington, meeting with some congresspeople, and one member of Congress told me that she's not even allowed to see any of the contracts in general, but when she is, she has to go into a padded room. She's not allowed to bring in any kind of writing equipment or paper, and she's not allowed to say what she saw in that room after she's viewed the contracts."

My Reality: Blackwater has well over 120,000 contractors deployed in Iraq.

Their Myth:Blackwater has approximately between one and two thousand contractors deployed worldwide. The 100,000 figure is an estimate of the total number of contractors in Iraq for all companies, including dish washers, food servers, drivers etc., the majority of which are Iraqi nationals.- Blackwater USA website

Do I even have to comment? PLEASE! Yeah, dishwashers and cooks, to hear them tell it they're just running a restaurant over there.

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