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Blackwater or Bloodwater? The New World Order's New World Military.

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Blackwater Globalized: Greystone, ltd.

Blackwater Global Stability Solutions

Blackwater USA, has a proven track record of superior advisory support to government agencies and private organizations. We are in position across the globe ready to provide rapid planning consultation, rapid mobility/logistics, and security assistance support in areas devastated by war or natural disasters.

Our thousands of highly specialized global stabilization professionals form the backbone of our consulting and services support capabilities. Blackwater Global Stability Solutions approaches every challenge with focused analysis. We pride ourselves on providing solutions that are practical, economical, timely and effective.


Here we have a "private security company", claiming to be small in numbers, with GLOBAL ability. An almost never mentioned company in conjunction with Blackwater is Blackwater "globalized" or Greystone, ltd. I'm only going to cover Greystone briefly because just by the dialogue off their own site you will be able to see the link to Blackwater.


Blackwater USA consists of nine separate business units: Blackwater Training Center (the largest private firearms and tactical training center in the U. S.), Blackwater Target Systems, Blackwater Security Consulting, Blackwater Canine, Maritime Security, manufacturing of custom Armored Vehicles, Parachute Jump Team, Aviation, and Raven Development Group. We also have relationships with our strategic partners, Aviation Worldwide Services and Greystone Ltd.- BUSA website


Greystone is an international supplier of turn-key security solutions. Greystone focuses on providing stability to locations experiencing turmoil whether caused by armed conflict, epidemics, or natural or man-made disasters.

Greystone has the ability to quickly and efficiently deploy anywhere in the world to create a more secure environment for our customers. We take pride in our agility, speed, and ability to execute – taking into account the surrounding culture.

We scale our solutions to fit the customer’s needs. Greystone can support subtle, low-profile efforts that bolster and integrate with existing security assets, or facilitate large scale stability operations requiring large numbers of people to assist in securing a region. Our goal is to foster a positive environment that promotes civilian security allowing commerce to flourish. When possible we use indigenous options to reduce costs and bolster relationships the operating area.

It is more difficult than ever for an organization to successfully protect its interest against diverse and complicated threats in today’s grey world where the solutions to your security concerns are no longer black and white.

"Ready to deploy in support of security objectives and stabilization efforts around the world."

Upon client review and approval, Greystone conducts the assessment and compiles a findings report with recommendations and implications analysis. The entire process is usually completed within 30-60 days of initial discussion.

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