America: Superpower or Super Stupid?
By Ignacio D. Fresas
October 3, 2008, the United States House of Representatives having been bribed by the Senate with over $150,000,000,000 worth of tax break sweeteners and with much prodding and fear tactics has convinced 26 Republicans and 33 Democrats to changed their minds. A bill that had failed only that Monday now seemed to be the right thing to do for the country only 4 days later.
Actually what had changed was the amount of capitalists who waged a fierce lobbying campaign in favor of this socialist bill by pressing home to congress how small businesses and consumers were already having serious trouble getting loans and that the entire economy could completely freeze up if nothing was done. So our Congress voted to give us socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else.
This originally was put to us as needed to save homeowners from foreclosure it morphed into a bill for the Wall Street casino. Instead of allowing these private companies to go before bankruptcy courts for business and let the normal rule and laws apply, which has far more protections for them than you or I could ever hope to enjoy, they are now allowed to continue gaming of the system.
In this bill there are NO real protections for homeowners, NO changes to laws protecting them from foreclosure, NO regulations to stop speculation or derivatives. OMG, that massive 1000 trillion dollar valueless derivatives abyss which is going to suck up that 700 billion like a black hole in deep space, that is the real problem.
This Congress also caved to fear, you know that "BUSH/CHENEY" fear tactic we have all grown to know and love is again being used successfully on the hearts and minds of our entire Congress, even though the vast majority of the American public were against this bailout and voiced this through thousands upon thousands of emails, faxes, and phone calls.
I thank God most of us are now numb to that fear tactic and look for facts and reason before jumping, unlike most of Congress.
So, was it the candy, the political pressure from lobbyists, the fear tactics or something else?
Take a look at this graph as to what happened to your 401k on the day this bill passed and to this video on what protections this bill has for us, the tax payer. That graph is the real indicator that this will do nothing to save your 401k and nothing to protect your investment or to restore confidence in the financial markets. While you and I may still loose our homes as the law currently stands people like John McCain would enjoy protection for their second through seventh homes, yachts and planes if they were to declare bankruptcy.
Congress has just put everything we own on "17 Black" and spun the wheel with your future, as any money going to Wall Street is always a gamble.
And realize this; what they have done is continue the same course that has set this country on the path to ruin. Yes, our country has been tested before and has survived, but we had more or less real leadership to work out of those problems.
Furthermore I submit to you that any excuses given by any Congressional Member to support this must be dismissed, that they were utterly incompetent or were trying to protect their HIGH RICK investments or future job opportunities.
Here are some of the excuses that you will be hearing, as they wander back to the communities they were suppose to be serving to try and retain their seats.
They will say to you: My constituents 401k's needed to be protected.
I would ask your Representative where in that bill is the guarantee that would protect every American who has a 401k.
I would also ask him or her, how will this help save my 401k if Paulson has the sole discretion on when and where this money will be used.
They will say to you: This will help main-street.
I would ask... Why are we doing this as a stop gap measure ONLY for the largest banks and Wall Street businesses that are in debt to foreign banks and investors and how can you guarantee that main street will see more than a trickle?
I would ask; Why did you choose to support a measure that continues the middle classes fall into debt and not a measure that helps to free us from the bonds of that debt?
Foreign banks and investors as explained by Rep. Brad Sherman
You may think of many more questions to ask... if your Congress person has the guts to face you. (don't tas me bro)
13 things we could have done with $700 billion dollars.
1: What You Could Get for $700 Billion
(add another $150 Billion in pork if you don't pass the bill the first time)
2: Pay the Salaries of 22 Million People
(what... and let the rich lose their first home... it is not protected)
3: Establish Universal Health Coverage
( that would be to much like Socialism)
4: Purchase a Communications System for Emergency Medical Services
(again... what do we care...we're not Socialist)
5: Build Levees around New Orleans
(George was raised by Barbara and she thinks they were under privileged anyway and everthing worked out very well for them)
6: Buy Denmark -- Twice
(oh sure...make us part of europe again--twice)
7: Finance Germany's Entire National Budget for Over a Year
(rebuilding their steel industry wasn't enough?)
8: Fight Poverty in Africa for 10 Years
(see answer to number 5 above)
9: Finance all US Intelligence Operations for 15 Years
(hehe... money already stashed, 2.3 TRILLION from here, 9 billion from here ...need I say more, if I did I'd have to kill ya)
10: Launch Multiple "New Deals"
(what don't you get about the word socialist, we're... CAPITALISTS...yeah thats it Capitalist)
11: Save the Earth (Instead of Banks)
(science does not exsist in our country, buildings can fall at the rate of free fall in a vacume from fire...)
12: Stay in Afghanistan and Iraq for another Seven Years
( that is John McCains plan, Bush wants Irans oil next)
13: Fly to the Moon, Repeatedly
(only if we are putting weapons there)
Our "financial superpower" status around the world took a huge hit with this bill. There are questions as to how a country can be a Superpower when they are bankrupt. Thoughts of a crippled American economy while China walks in space, financed by the holdings of America's riches. While China, which is a good friend to Russia and Iran are moving forward, we are failing to get this country on the right track.
We are now seen around the world as being nothing better than North Korea and other socialist economy's, there by proving that unrestrained Free Market and or unregulated Capitalism is a source of power, that enriches itself at the expense of lower economic class citizens, who do not have any power to stop them through political means.
The sad and most pathetic thing is we currently do not make anything that could sustain superpower status during a real war. Lets face it folks, if we were to enter a world war "which would most likely be directed at us due to our foreign policy of the last 7 and one half years" we would not be able to make planes, tanks, jeeps, or any high tech instruments of death as almost all have electronics that are foreign made by countires aligned with those countries we have been told are evil and our enemy.
We would not be able to even protect our shores as all our military and equipment are deployed overseas. Except the Army's 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team which is going to be deployed against us in October for the first time in history.
Our debt is to places like China "who recently asked their banks not to lend to our banks", Saudi Arabia and many 3rd world countries that despise us for our empire building and the death and destruction we have brought to their region or country.
So, when the final bubble bursts and there is no money to help 60 percent of this population and we are all in the streets screaming for help into the faces of our own Army while they point weapons at us... we can look back and say to ourselves...sure wish I had 700 billion dollars to feed and house all these people. Not to worry, the brand new FMEA camps with that barbed wire facing in should do us nicely. Oh, you don't know about the contract for new more HERE
For some time FEMA has been renovating and constructing new detention camps throughout the country. In January 2006 Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded an "indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract to construct detention facilities for the Department of Homeland Security worth a maximum of $385 million over 5 years. [25]
With all that you know about Bush and his administration ask yourself this question...... do you trust them to do what is right with that 700 billion dollars for our citizens in their waning days of power?
When I think of that question, I am truly afraid for the future of America and its citizens!
I just came across this post by Ed Encho on OpEd and recommend it's reading to all. need I say more, if I did I'd have to kill ya)