"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." This insightful quote is from a book written in 1935 by Sinclair Lewis titled "It Can't Happen Here."
When Lewis wrote it, fascism was sweeping Europe and he felt it might become a threat here; he was right. Under Bush II, our government has given up democracy for a new strain of (American) fascism.
We are presently experiencing some of its harmful tell-tale symptoms: extreme nationalism (you're either with us or against us), the disdain of human rights, unprecedented secrecy, military supremacy over domestic needs, fraudulent elections, suppression of labor power and the protection and strengthening of corporate power, using religion to manipulate public opinion, controlled mass media, the use of torture, hatred of intellectuals and the list goes on.
Well folks, it cannot be any more evident that we are now in a full push to make our country fascist.
10 defining characteristics of Fascism.
Tonight Mike Huckabee gave a stump speech to destroy our defining document and bring it into alignment with the Holy Bible. Soon we will be persecuted for not being the right form of Christian.
Mike Huckabee's Fascist Stump Speech
What Holy Bible is he speaking about, because his Bible allows him to make war where innocent people die. Innocent people always die in wars, always have and always will. How about any of them following the current Constitution. What I have seen over the past 7 years is violation after violation of that document.
If you are a Christian and you support any candidate that voted for this war or support the occupation in Iraq then I say you are no Christian at all. If I have to explain to you this perversion and blending of your religion with politics, then you need to, read your holy book again, do some soul searching, or if you have the ability, speak with your God/Christ.
I seem to recall that the New Testament brings love and sacrifice for others. What about how we treat the other people in this world? Aren't we all children of god, even if they have lost their way about Christ? Or did I miss that in the Bible where Jesus said elect officials to kill all those who do not believe in me?No he said "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you (Luke 6:27-28)." If you need that translated then you are lost.
Remember, the only persons that Jesus condemned were the hypocrites.
Do you Follow The Way's of
"The Teacher"
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