It sounds too good to be true, but it isn't, and we are surely at risk of much worse happening 'overnight', if Romney gets to fulfill his DAY ONE hopes. So let's take a look at how a few major changes, by making ours a citizen owned, self-reliant, largely money-less society, can improve our individual personal situations, on micro- to macro- (like family, social, employment, health, educational, and environmental, including property) levels. This would also give us a better standing in the world than we've EVER known, and will put us in a good position to pay off the deficit, and to help other countries in more permanent and meaningful ways. It would also change the way that the Constitution, and thus, law itself, will be presented, changed and simplified, and enforced clearly and fairly. The Constitution would be condensed into a manner which could be understood by a typical 5th grader.
The solutions I'm talking about cannot but help to have very important secondary effects, as well. These include an almost complete eradication of theft crimes, or crimes committed for the acquisition of illicit drugs, or to get possession of resources necessary to survival, such as food, gas, or tools. Speaking of drugs, we can at the same moment develop new successful treatment systems which would be open to all interested, free of charge, and would include actual 'step down' techniques which doctors know work, but which they have been unable to legally provide under the current and previous laws. (Many reasons people seek relief from these substances would disappear, the same is true for those seeking abortions, as an unplanned pregnancy no longer would adversely affect opportunity, and all child expenses would be covered.) Equally important would be that there would no longer be any necessity or desire for a black market trade in this country. And a country without such crimes can provide much better justice systems for when a problem is discovered. There will be time and people (resources) to do DNA and other expensive testing. People will again be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Granted, not everyone will want to make the changes... There are a few, but they only total about one per every few thousand of us, or even fewer. This will be for one or more of the following reasons: 1. They won't be filthy rich anymore (but they won't have to spend any more time managing their accounts); 2. They won't like losing their VIP status (if they are good people and have true friends this won't matter. All of these people will find that it is much more permanently rewarding to earn respect than to buy it.); 3. They won't have an 'edge' (or head start) guaranteed in every quest for success (this also will be character building); 4. They will have to learn to be accepted as regular people (they will GET to be accepted as regular... This will be better for them, as right now they are the object of much contempt which they may not directly realize); 5. They will no longer have control over the lives of people they see as beneath them (they should never have had this power anyway, and this distance between can allow someone to justify poisoning rivers or spraying deadly chemicals while children are playing!). 6. They will not want to lose their property (they will not be losing it, it will become the shared property of all citizens, and there will be land use rights--limited--which allow them primary access as long as no destruction is done. The limitations are to keep individuals from causing environmental damage unseen (and thus, unrepaired and dangerous), and to allow for safety and freedom of ALL residing there, or nearby. Only those who enjoy an unfair advantage now will be the ones who seriously oppose the revolution I suggest, even though, from a financial, psychological, sociological, and even healthwise aspect, things will be much better for them and their families AFTER these changes. For starters, no more having to live surrounded by body guards, dogs, security staff, and electrified fences!
Of course I'm talking about a type of moneyless society, but not completely. It is probably going to be helpful to keep the coin and paper money, not for hoarding or saving, but to help keep track during small transactions, for using in automated systems, such as vending machines, and as a quick transfer from person to person, and for extras. It is also excellent for teaching math to children. Let's take a closer look at the moneyless american life we can acheive...
You wake up in your home. It is your home to use for as long as you like, and when you move you need not sell it. You will only be giving use of it back to the public. You have no rent payment ever. Same with utilities, which are also free. Same with food at the grocery store, and gasoline and electricity for your car. How? Because all businesses in the U.S. are now owned by its citizens (not the government, whose job it is to protect the citizens' rights, safety, access to GOOD healthy food, clean water and other resources, safe transportation, and to provide disaster help). The government does not collect taxes. Money that comes from american businesses (all profits from small businesses to exporting american made products/services/goods) will be divided into 3 main uses: first, a weekly/monthly payment to each individual or household, which will be substantially higher than income from working would be); second, a government holding account to record receipts and provide a source of data for more streamlining and to develop new, better businesses or programs when needed. The third use will be to hold and use for helping other world nations, first as aid to starving and suffering, and secondly to use while working with foreign leaders to acheive human rights goals and fair, honest government. All of our armed services will be drastically cut. Any money for the military we keep (small, yet specialized) will also come out of this last group, which you can see would have the built-in incentive toward achieving and maintaining world peace. Nobody will get a paycheck (there can be extra benefits, useful in buying extras like family trips, super cool stereos, etc.), although many professionals will decide to continue working in their fields out of passion and commitment. But, generally speaking, there is no real need for as many of us to work as we see today. Without banks, wall street, accountants, and other whole complicated and expensive systems based entirely on moving and dissecting large sums of money, we will see, overnight, these becoming obsolete. But many people will want to honor and serve their country, as now, and instead of risking life and limb overseas, they can work a few 'free' 4 hour shifts each week. This also builds a wonderful community, where each is happily accountable. Also, because we own ALL the businesses, they no longer need to compete, and can even be combined, and any transfer of goods will be free of charge and it's freight charges nil. We will all be working together for the good of all.
All medical costs will be free. No need for social security or medicare/medicaid programs. No need for any type of insurance anymore. You see a clinic, you just walk in. The doctors there will not be just in from the golf course, or eyeing your mole and thinking about a new speedboat. They will be the ones who actually have a sense of purpose, a duty and desire to help others in need. People looking to gain wealth will need to go to a different country, because new americans know that competitive financial systems are based in cruelty, their goal is inequity, and the ugliness of greed has caused millions of innocent lives to be lost in our recent years. It is no longer cool to be rich, because it is the same as locking food away from starving children, when the locking away does not even protect it from the quickly approaching 'sell by' date! It's just a very immature and cruel greed. A new community will form, in which we lift each other to success, instead of scrambling over the backs and stepping on the heads of those unfortunate enough to have stumbled in our path. The ugliness of competition can evolve into the solidarity of team success, and positive values that benefit and inspire each member of society.
I've mentioned vastly reducing all arms of the military (we won't need them), and the same will be true of regular local and state police, and many judges and attorneys will lose their jobs immediately, as well. We're only going to keep the honest, non-corrupt, and at least legally sane ones, which is today probably well under one-quarter of those currently employed. Remember, this does not cause a financial hardship for them. They have all they need at home. It will give them plenty of free time to take classes or get psychological counseling. Something happened to make many of these public servants turn against us, and do harm to us. This cannot be overlooked, or forgiven. It needs to be understood and corrected before any of these individuals are to be allowed to work anywhere. Some will need to do jail time. So, what about the prisons?
Well, considering that we have factual evidence that very few inmates doing time now were fairly convicted, we can't just keep them locked up. In most cases there was no clear evidence, and many police have participated in common baiting practices, and have lied in documentation. Equally devastating are the unjust fads of gag order and plea bargain, which assures the locking away of innocent citizens, now for profit and privately owned. All of these private prisons must be emptied immediately, as well as all other jails and prison institutions, of all convicted except the very very dangerous few, who should receive a brand new evaluation. The country club prisons must be closed as well, but those are the most dangerous of all inmates (white collar criminals kill thousands more than any other) and the 'prison doubles' (dupes doing time 'acting' as famous crooks, while they are vacationing on private islands) must be put into the nastiest prisons which most of their victims have had to suffer. Also, unless we can figure out what damage has been done to police in general, which makes them sociopathic, paranoid, violent, and corrupt, and unless we can figure out how to bring them back (if it's possible) many of these must be locked up too, for the safety of the public. This definitely includes the vast number of corporate security militia, who are armed directly by Halliburton, etc., and who are every bit as numerous and dangerous as regular, well-trained soldiers. As their corporate bosses lose their spot, many will try to get these security forces to self-destruct (kill each other), or take aim at us. I don't know why indoctrination of these groups has resulted in the behaviors we see today, which are unpredictable, terrifying, and deadly. I do know that there are some type of homeland security seminars that are used to keep these public servants 'tuned up', or at the ready, and that horrible shootings and other cop-caused violence happens daily across the country as a result. If it is just an attitude that can be appealed to with reason, the prospects are good. If there has been flash hypnosis and other mind washing tricks (CIA favorites, that even the officer may be unaware of himself) then the diagnosis and treatment strategies become much more intricate, as these awful tricks often have built-in (suicide) mechanisms, and we don't want anyone killing themselves. So prisons would have a few of the old inmates, some cops, judges & attorneys who knowingly miscarried justice, anyone committing crimes of trying to hoard or cheat the group, corporate heads that cannot be trusted to follow the law, politicians who have lied, or taken $ or gifts for selling us out, and media heads that have been feeding lies for news. Any rich people who deceive us are going straight to jail. They almost got us all killed, certainly got some of our close friends and family killed, paid millions to get around laws in order to cheat us, and have poisoned our food, water, and air in order to take our kids' futures. They don't deserve a second chance, and history shows they cannot be trusted if given one.
A new america can finally allow us to focus on the environment in a very proactive way. Up until now, the practice has been to rape first, then think it's okay as long as you ask, or apologize after. It's the same with medicine (first create a new molecule that you own, add fillers and form into a tablet, start feeding it to people to see what disorder you could market it to treat!) and with food (GMOs, additives, poisons, contamination, non-edibles in food). We want our farms, food, and lives back. It is no longer acceptable for a few individuals to make the rest of us suffer. We are a nation of exceptional people, and we can make world history in the very best way, by acting now, in this crucial moment, to make a bloodless revolution which harms none, and improves the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for ALL.