(This article deals with systems that will be put in place if my idea for a bloodless revolution is accepted. See "An Exceptional America CAN have a Bloodless Revolution" in OpEd News.) Bloodless. Many have asked about this interesting term--what does it really mean? Labeling this revolution "bloodless" is both a description and a promise. We do not want anyone hurt, nor do we want to hurt anyone. We have traditional, legal weapons, but would not, at this point, want or intend to use them. Virtually all protesters active today have been trained in passive resistance. They are heroic in their determination not to lower themselves to the mentality of riot cops who seem to be salivating for a chance to crack coconuts on protestors. Yet, even when tortured with pepper spray, kicked and punched, or slammed around (even women, kids, and elderly!) they find the strength inside to remain passive. This makes it evident to all watching that police violence is pure brutality, is unnecessary, and is undeserved. It is a crime for police to quench their thirst for violence on passive protestors. Of course, these protestors are not the only victims of police brutality... so are other citizens, regularly (see the news in any city). But, as discussed before, many cops will need monitoring and treatment to understand and rehabilitate this post 9/11 behavior.
So, will the revolution be bloodless? Quite probably not. Some cops will panic, make mistakes.
Some will never agree to avoid bloodshed. Some even want it. A slightly different opponent may be the corporate security groups, which, if they go against us, will be very hard to recruit. We just have to hope they will have the clarity to see that these are good people in front of them, families. Somehow I believe it won't be the corporate security that goes against citizens though. This is because the 'bosses' at the top have made the 'elite mistake', of regularly cheating them on paychecks, reducing or eliminating benefits, dangling insulting carrots, and, because they are awkward and self-interested in normal social situations, they have insulted or betrayed many employees right to their faces! It is a curious blindness the 'entitled' have--they KNOW they can see you, but they THINK that you have no hearing, eyesight, or memory (until they tell you to). I am sure when the private security agents get the idea about what's really been going on, and how they were manipulated in ways that harmed them and their families, most of them will gladly join us, and use their skills to protect us. So, that is what is intended by the use of the term 'bloodless'. It indicates the actual realistic possibility of having a revolution without violence. Of course, we cannot speak for others, who may become our 'opposition', and try to impede us. Other than police and private security, who would be acting UNDER ORDERS, let's see who might choose of their own accord to go against a revolution that would improve their lives.
It would be easy to assume that the main opposing group would be the Republican party. This is because they have a solid reputation for fearing change, fighting equal rights & opportunity, and voting against pro-environmental legislation and activities, all of which are to be core values of New America.
The Republicans also tend to be anti-science, less educated, more religious, and more adoring of money for the sake of hoarding (not as a tool to get resources). New America will make a serious, transparent, and thorough examination of what is now known and taught as science, and a full investigation and evaluation of ALL of the experimentation (and actual results) of programs, even the secret programs used for decades by the military, CIA, FBI, and even the FDA and AMA. We must discover and evaluate ALL of this, before we can responsibly choose to continue or discard any of it. Science will be an important part of most systems, as it is our means of assuring we are doing no unintended harm.
Education, by which I mean encouraging thought and objectivity, creativity, and teaching facts (not white-washed, male only histories, for example) and using real events or participation whenever possible, will also be a core value, offered everywhere and including many new subjects. Learning every day will become the norm. Wisdom will be highly regarded, as it is only in other countries, now. Today there is a strange belief that wisdom comes with age, as a kind of consolation prize for losing one's beauty and physical ability. And in America now it is attributed more often to white males than any other group. It is not seen as dependent, even, on any personal dedication to continuing education or experience. So we wind up in a country where the richest old white guy is assumed to be correct in every proclamation. (Also why Obama's presidency has flown in the face of American racism!)
About religion... There will be NO religious faction to our new, streamlined government, or the citizen owned businesses. Holidays will either be rededicated (to keep the date) or celebrated in private groups (to keep the rite). No national holidays may be based on religious folklore. Also, no holidays will be recognized that are based on lies. These include Columbus day and Thanksgiving. We need no longer look like idiots to the rest of the world by celebrating genocide, murder, rape, and theft on a massive scale. But religion can have a place in New America, as long as it is honest. Many folks, even without the money men at the pulpit, will feel better being able to express and share their faith with like-minded others. Many others, upon seeing the flight of those trusted leaders (whose religiosity was anchored to the high profits taken from individuals in the form of tithing, donation, and free labor), will become disillusioned and not want any part of it. We must meet the needs of both types of individuals. However, any religion or religious practice must be kept from any business, educational, or governmental system. It must not involve the exchanging of money, or the abuse, isolation, or manipulation of members, ever. These changes alone may actually dismantle the entire basis of some of today's known sects. Individual religious groups may not present unproven claims as fact, but must be clear that these are beliefs based on varied interpretations of poorly documented times.
A religion cannot include behaviors that are illegal in the mainstream, nor may it enjoy special privileges or rights. Any violation can cause the restriction of the practice of that sect, or sanctions to those involved, or both, since it is already shown to cause or justify the worst kinds of corruption and abuse. The inclusion of religion in society will be seen as in a 'trial period', to see if it is even possible to keep such a historically problematic
system in New America.
Equal rights & equality, in general, will also be a core value. Each individual person (on earth) will be seen to be worthy of respect, security, health, education, and voice (by this I mean personal expression, in its many forms), and should expect, automatically, to be treated in a fair, respectful manner by ALL others. Even those in prison must be treated with the same basic rights (other than the ability to freely move around, and associate with others publicly) and this will improve the prison system more than any other time or place in history. It is sadly overdue, and many good, and even innocent, people have lingered unto death behind bars, alone, and misunderstood, which is a travesty. We can stop this, and we must.
So, your individual self, which for some is your body and mind, and for people like myself is a body and a spiritual essense (which I firmly believe has it's own weight and mass, but has not yet been scientifically measured, to my knowledge), which is also described by terms such as 'soul', 'spirit', or 'psychic energy'. Or as my friends will confirm, I say that I am a "soul in a meat suit", where the meat suit is disposable but the soul comes in near birth and goes on without it, at physical, recordable death. Whatever your own description, the essence and biological materials of which you are composed, is neither worth more or less than that of any other person. Equally true, there is to be no heirarchy between humans (although some should get extra consideration, like children and babies, due to inability to take care of their own basic needs), nor shall we maintain a sense of superiority over any other animals. We are the only species clumsy, ignorant, and egotistical enough to have threatened the existence of ALL other species! A new attitude and behavior toward the environment will reflect our reverence for nature (who alone sustains us), and we will no longer do her harm in ignorance or greed.