The Cosmic Story:
Aquarius New Moon, January 22-23, 2012
Chinese New Year, January 23, 2012
Mars Retrograde, January 23, 2012
Since there's so much going on this weekend, I ask your patience with the length of this newsletter. Also, Aquarian energy tends to acknowledge the support and wisdom we get from our tribe and community. So I'll be quoting some of the people I've been inspired by so you can enjoy their wisdom as much as I do.
As you can see, there's a big shift in energy coming on Friday, January 20th, when the Sun enters Aquarius and Monday, January 23rd with the Aquarius New Moon and Chinese New Year. This is the energy that will begin to move us into our new vision, with Mars turning retrograde at the same time helping us focus on our Truth. So let's see what the Cosmic Story tells us about this weekend's energies.
Sun in Aquarius
With the Sun moving into Aquarius, our collective focus shifts from the Capricorn social structures that we align ourselves with, to our hopes for the future good of our communities -- hopes for a world that is free and peaceful, prosperous and caring. Sun in Aquarius shines its light on our unique individuality, our right to freedom and equality, our sense of group responsibility and our hopes for our world. Aquarius says, "Experiment! Think outside the box! But make sure it's for the common good."
Since Aquarius symbolizes the group mind, it's time to tune into the possibilities that our new global awareness has brought us through the blessings of our technology. We now realize what a big network of like-minded people are out there -- all of us working toward the same goals. Like Indra's Net, this connection is a spiritual and psychic awareness of our unity -- and that knowledge is what will make all the difference in the coming years. We know we are all connected. We know we are all one. I love that I can stay connected to my son by phone and computer as he travels in South America-- very different from when he was traveling all over Europe in the late 90s. And I love the fact that our technology does indeed make us one world. The "revolution' of the 99% couldn't have happened without twitter, cell phones and Facebook. Thank you Aquarian vision and innovation! (Although the business practices leave something to be desired.)
Aquarius is a fixed air sign, concerned with our ideals and our connection to the archetypal patterns of life. We are in the process of moving between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius, when humanity is called to consciously and conscientiously create a collective vision of peace and prosperity. The fixed air puts us in touch with the world of archetypal powers, those patterns of behavior that make us human and structure cosmic reality. From 1996 to 2003, Uranus, the planet that awakens our consciousness, traveled through Aquarius, sparking this technological revolution that unites us, while from 1998 to February 2012, Neptune the planet of spirituality and our collective heart also flowed through Aquarius, softening its rational edges with imagination, artistry and heartfelt love. These two planets have brought us to our new collective vision -- one world of peace, prosperity, freedom, equality, compassion and spiritual awareness.
Neptune is about to move into its own sign of Pisces, and this is its last new Moon in Aquarius for the next 165 years. What spiritual wisdom have we developed in the last 165 years that needs to be incorporated into our personal and collective vision? Perhaps that we no longer need organized religions but instead we must develop our own personal relationship to Spirit.
The Sabian symbol for Neptune at 30* Aquarius is: Deeply rooted in the past of a very ancient culture, a spiritual brotherhood in which many individual minds are merged into the glowing light of a unanimous consciousness is revealed to one who has emerged successfully from her/his metamorphosis. This last symbol for Aquarius shows us that we each have the potential to encompass a higher form of consciousness, a spiritual form that is the template for humanity's emergence into true adulthood. This form is comprised of unique individuals who bond to form a spiritual whole. Any planets you have at 28 - 30* of fixed signs are coming under the influence of Neptune's dissolving influence one last time. This is a time of radial belief and trust.
You also have to focus Neptune's imagination on the new story you want to create this year. Neptune's Aquarian story encompasses the "common good' - it is not a personal story but a collective story. We need to be united as our culture and the Earth go through a major transition. A new culture must be birthed so our descendants will have a whole and healthy Earth. We owe it to them.
The Aquarius New Moon
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