Eleven year old Brenden Foster died this day of Friday, 21 November 2008, but throughout this world he will be remembered always. His darkest hour was his brightest light. This is a story as much of his words as it is of his deeds.
His dying wish was to help the homeless. "They're probably starving, so give 'em a chance, food and water." It has become a national movement. He wasn't afraid to die. He had said that he just wanted to make a difference, before his time came. And he did!
He was a regular kid, who wanted to become marine photographer. Some time ago had been diagnosed with leukemia. As death was staring him in his face, it’s others that he was thinking about. The homeless caught Brenden's heartfelt attention. He had said, "Well, I was getting back from one of my appointments and I saw this big thing full of homeless people and then I thought. I should just get them something." That the country, even the world responded, he said, "I think that is great. You think that's great?"
He had one more wish, and that was to sprinkle wildflower seeds to save the bees. He had heard that the bees were dying off. His wish was answered by a retired pilot who asked his flying friends to sprinkle wild flower seeds around the world on Brenden's behalf.
He spoke with the wisdom of ages. Of that which made him feel sad, he had said was, "When someone gives up." His advice was, "Follow your dreams. Don't let anything stop you." Asked what he thought the best things in life are, he said, "Just having one."
If we can learn anything in this life, we can be inspired to do so by this young man.
Three years ago, doctors diagnosed Brenden with leukemia. His body may have been held back but his spirit excelled far beyond the dreams of most of us. On death, "It happens. It's natural," He said.
"I should be gone in a week or so", he had said. "I had a great time. And until my time comes, I'm going to keep having a great time," he said. I heard that he saw angels coming for him three times in the night before he left us. Then Brenden took his darkest hour and turned it into the brightest of light that truly can inspire the world