It is time for the government to pull the plug on the gangsters who run Fox News. While everybody supports freedom of speech, everyone also agrees that yelling fire in a crowded theater is not covered by the concept of freedom of speech. Fox News has been yelling fire and trying to cause panic in America over the current health care reform bills in Congress.
The average age of Fox News viewers is 65. However many of them are in their 70's, 80's and 90's. One can imagine that most are on medications that impair their ability to think or reason. Fox News consciously brainwashes these people into believing that the Government is going to kill them. It has created a near panic state of fear in them that the government is setting up death panels to execute them. This is creating incredible anxiety and tension in them and is possibly responsible for many thousands of deaths of the elderly already.
Fox News Corp was founded and is owned by the Billionaire Australian media mogul, Rupert Murdoch (the 133rd richest man in the world). Murdoch inherited his media empire from his father Sir Keith Murdoch. Murdoch became famous as a journalist during World War I for reporting lies about the incompetence of commanding British officers at the Gallipoli campaign. The results of this was the abandonment of the Gallipoli campaign just as it was on the verge of success. If it had been successful in opening a pathway for needed supplies to Russia, it is likely that the Allies would have won World War I, two years earlier. The United States would never have entered the war and there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Ironically, one can say that Keith Murdoch was the man most responsible for the Cold War in the Twentieth century. His betrayal of the Australian soldiers at Gallipoli resulted in both the militarization of the United States and the development of a hard-line communist government in Russia.
Keith Murdoch would have been tried for treason if it had not been for the intervention of British Press Baron Alfred Lloyd Northcliff. Northcliff owned The Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Times of London, The Sunday Times and other newspapers. He had enough newspapers to get public support behind Murdoch's heinous act of wartime treachery. Recognizing that the support of the Media Baron Northcliff was necessary for the continuation of the war, Prime Minister Lloyd George made Northcliff a viscount and British Minister of Propaganda in 1917. Lloyd George would later call Adolf Hitler "the Greatest living German" and advocate a negotiated peace with Hitler during World War II. Ironically, Lloyd George was also responsible for the Balfour Declaration which called for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."
The Australian dictionary of biography says this about the relationship of Keith Murdoch and British Press Baron Northcliff:
"Northcliffe introduced him to clubs and played golf with him. As early as 1916 Murdoch called him 'as good a friend as I have ever had', but he recognized that if he became an employee their relationship would inevitably be destroyed. Murdoch once wrote to him as 'My dear Chief " the Chief of All Journalists (of all ages)'. Modeling himself closely on him, especially in his ruthless use of power, Murdoch may never have realized how manic Northcliffe was in his last years. At Murdoch's farewell banquet from London, he was photographed at Northcliffe's right hand; the photograph was to have pride of place in his office."
Northcliff later lent Murdoch 5,000 pounds to start his own media empire in Australia. Murdoch is really the Australian version of Northcliff. We may see Fox News Corp as the creation of the son of the British aristocrats and media moguls, Northcliff and Murdoch.
In 1776, Americans revolted from the British Aristocracy and King George. With Fox News Corp, the British Aristocracy have retaken control of America. We need a new revolution to break that control. Dissolve Fox News Corp.