Dear Mr. Beck,
The image you have so carelessly planted in the minds of your viewers, that regular, honest, hardworking American supporters of Dr. Ron Paul are a bunch of terrorist is not only inaccurate, but grossly negligent sir! And I take extreme umbrage with your assertions.
I am a former Marine, decorated with a Good Conduct Medal, a Navy Unit Commendation, and an Overseas Deployment ribbon for my service to these United States from 1982 to 1986. Seeing as we are both forty three I think it’s safe to say that while I was serving my country you were much busier becoming a drug addict and practicing to become an alcoholic, correct?
You see, unlike you sir, I have taken the time to gather some facts to support my position. I love this country and its people more than life itself, and would at a moments notice put my life on the line once again in her defense. I took an oath to uphold our Constitution, and take this oath very seriously.
You Sir have done a grave disservice to me personally by implying that I am a terrorist because I support Dr. Ron Paul. Over my forty three years of life's trials and tribulations I have developed pretty thick skin, and am not easily bothered by someone’s words. But when I heard you imply that Ron Paul supporters are "akin to terrorists" for choosing the fifth of November as the day for our fund raising donation, I have to admit that I was a highly upset!
Oh, and by the way, if you had bothered to take the time to make a single inquiry into the reasoning behind the date selection, you would have learned that the date in question is more closely related to a fictional movie. (V FOR VENDETTA) is that movie, and the lead character is categorized as a FREEDOM FIGHTER trying to reach a populace that has been deceived by the media and who have allowed their country to be taken over by a small group of extremist that have turned their country into a police state. In the Movie this character chooses the 5th of November for anyone to gather for peaceful demonstrations and remain informed citizens. You should definitely rent and watch this movie as there is a character in it that is loosely based upon people such as your self. Shills for the fascist state, that pretends to be our friend, and are there to help us stay well informed. A cruel joke indeed sir! Hmm, does any of this sound familiar to you Mr. Beck? It certainly should, and I hope your 13 pieces of silver will be enough remuneration for you here on earth as I believe it will come up a tad bit short for you in the afterlife.
I sincerely believe you have a right to your opinion, as do we all. But where you enjoy an assumed position of authority in Television and Radio with the potential to influence millions of viewers and listeners alike, there comes an even greater obligation to ensure that the opinions you espouse are well founded, and responsible ones. Is that a fair statement sir?
I work very hard to introduce my friends and family to the issues that Dr. Ron Paul supports, and believe with great sincerity that our Country is in very serious trouble and we need to elect someone to the highest office who exemplifies the kind of qualities of a man like Dr. Ron Paul. I was with my wife and 18 year old daughter when we watched your Ron Paul supporters may be domestic terrorist piece. My family knows how strongly I feel about Dr. Paul's views and I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach upon hearing your comments. Especially in front of my family, who trusts my decision making process in order that I provide a stable, moral example for them to follow. It was an awkward moment to say the least; I was at a loss for words. I simply gritted my teeth and supported your right to your views regardless.
Mr. Beck, your implication that Ron Paul supporters, like me, are terrorists, is so far beyond the pale of reasoning that I fail to understand how you could formulate this opinion. Now I'm not naive, I know this was not some spontaneous thoughts you were sharing with your audience. I realize this was something you ran by your staff and bosses alike. You had to book the guests that would be sympathetic to your views in order to project the desired effect for your viewers. Plain and simple sir, this was a tongue in cheek political hit piece directed at Dr. Ron Paul's Presidential Campaign by casting his supporters as domestic terrorists. I understand the mainstream media’s frustration in dealing with such a principled man with a skeleton less closet. But, I find this type of guerrilla journalism very distasteful and a betrayal of America and our ideals of the sanctity of a free press that is suppose to inform its body politic, not to deceive its people as you have chosen to do.
As I stated earlier, I am not naive sir, and I realize you could care less how I feel or what my opinions of you are, and that's just fine by me. But what you are doing is just plain wrong, and you will have to atone for your actions at some point in time. But until then you have lost a faithful viewer. I know it is of little consequence to you but as a matter of principle I can no longer support a network that supplies you a platform from which you so carelessly use as a tool to spew your hate and rhetoric.
I will also be boycotting all of your sponsor’s products until they pull their support of your show by way of advertising dollars that go to paying your salary. Being as stubborn as I am, I most certainly will be organizing an effort to contact your sponsors to share with them my feelings about the hurtful words that came from your very lips, this, my friend, you can be assured of.
I also know sir, that people have temporary lapses in judgment, and will leave some of my personal information to assure you that I am a real person and not a "spambot" just in case you would like to reply to this article or issue a sincere apology on your show to the Ron Paul Campaign and it’s supporters, but, ummm, I'm not holding my breath though.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephen Dupont
New Bedford, Massachusetts 02745