The problem with present desire for NASA to base its entire Space Program on expendable launch vehicles, is the key word expendable!
The entire global space community has based their entire launch capability on throwaway technology!
This is not only a crime against humanity, in the since that precious high grade metal ores (That are obtained at great effort, cost, and damage to global environment) are just burned up in earths atmosphere or impacted into the oceans. There is also the many millions of man hours to machine very precise parts, assemble these parts in very precise manner, and prepare these very expensive and sophisticated throw away launch vehicles for launch. There is also the investment of planning, designing, and creating these vehicles, which uses many millions of hours of the best scientific and technological minds of our world. All this for what? Sadly, mainly to give National Militaries, missile launch capability, and to keep Military industries (Contractors) in business.
Dr. Wernher von Braun, who was the vision and direction behind NASA during the
Great and Noble Apollo Days of NASA, stated very clearly that Expendable Space
Launch Vehicles "MUST" be replaced by Fully Reusable Space Planes if humanity
was to ever get a solid and permanent foothold in space. For every pound that a
Disposable "Expendable" Launch Vehicle puts into Earths Orbit, 2, 3, and even 4
or more pounds of materials are wasted "Burned Up" on reentry. So if you want to
put a million pounds of materials and technology on Luna or Mars, you would then
waste "Burn Up" a few million pounds of precious materials to do this.
So, NASA is basing its future on a take one step forward and 3 steps back philosophy
,which has doomed not only the future of NASA, but the entire Human Space Effort!
This to give the National Militaries missile launch capability, and supreme dominance
of space.
Former United States President John F. Kennedy agreed with Dr. Wernher von Braun,
and so directed NASA to develop and employ a FULLY REUSABLE SPACE
PLANE SYSTEM. This was called the Space Shuttle Program. However, not the
Space Shuttle Program we know today! After the Kennedy Assai nation and the
later loss of control by Dr. Wernher von Braun over NASA affairs; NASA was for
military and political purposes gutted, and the Space Shuttle Program destroyed.
This has left NASA with an airplane strapped onto the side of a Military Missile for
nearly 40 years now! The raw waste from the nearly 120+ shuttle main tanks which
have been burned up in the atmosphere, represents billions of American taxpayers
money, and many many millions of pounds of precious materials and man-hours.
Again, NASA has lost its right to be the guiding voice and vision in the world,
because of the Corruption and Military & National Security Control of NASA,
and its planning and future vision.
So, the International Space Agency (ISA), has been promoting and planning for an
International Space Plane Program, since the 1980's, to create an International
Endeavor by Government and Private Sector to field a TOTALLY REUSABLE
SPACE PLANE VEHICLE & PROGRAM, that would be launched from a Ground
Based Launch System on the side of a mountain, on or near, the Earths Equator.
This has been routinely under mined and attacked by NASA and the U.S. Military.
The topic should not be Shuttle Engine versus RS-68s!
The topic should be Throw Away "Expendable" versus Fully Reusable!
The topic should also not be Nationalism and Militarism of the Human
Space Effort, but should be the Cooperative Peaceful Civil Human Space
NASA is not going to get Humanity "Back To The Moon To Stay" and
Surely will it NEVER get Humanity to Mars! Neither will any other
National Space Agency or Private Organization. This MUST be a Focused
and Global "International/Multi-National" Endeavor, if such things as Luna
Bases & Exploration and Mars Bases & Exploration are to ever become
The International Space Agency (ISA) Organization, must now become
The Voice and Vision for the Human Space Effort, if Humanity is to ever
hope to become a Peaceful Space Faring Society!
Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!
International Space Agency, I.S.A.
International Space Administration
Phone: (402) 299-2799
The entire global space community has based their entire launch capability on throwaway technology!
This is not only a crime against humanity, in the since that precious high grade metal ores (That are obtained at great effort, cost, and damage to global environment) are just burned up in earths atmosphere or impacted into the oceans. There is also the many millions of man hours to machine very precise parts, assemble these parts in very precise manner, and prepare these very expensive and sophisticated throw away launch vehicles for launch. There is also the investment of planning, designing, and creating these vehicles, which uses many millions of hours of the best scientific and technological minds of our world. All this for what? Sadly, mainly to give National Militaries, missile launch capability, and to keep Military industries (Contractors) in business.
Dr. Wernher von Braun, who was the vision and direction behind NASA during the
Great and Noble Apollo Days of NASA, stated very clearly that Expendable Space
Launch Vehicles "MUST" be replaced by Fully Reusable Space Planes if humanity
was to ever get a solid and permanent foothold in space. For every pound that a
Disposable "Expendable" Launch Vehicle puts into Earths Orbit, 2, 3, and even 4
or more pounds of materials are wasted "Burned Up" on reentry. So if you want to
put a million pounds of materials and technology on Luna or Mars, you would then
waste "Burn Up" a few million pounds of precious materials to do this.
,which has doomed not only the future of NASA, but the entire Human Space Effort!
This to give the National Militaries missile launch capability, and supreme dominance
of space.
Former United States President John F. Kennedy agreed with Dr. Wernher von Braun,
and so directed NASA to develop and employ a FULLY REUSABLE SPACE
PLANE SYSTEM. This was called the Space Shuttle Program. However, not the
Space Shuttle Program we know today! After the Kennedy Assai nation and the
later loss of control by Dr. Wernher von Braun over NASA affairs; NASA was for
military and political purposes gutted, and the Space Shuttle Program destroyed.
This has left NASA with an airplane strapped onto the side of a Military Missile for
nearly 40 years now! The raw waste from the nearly 120+ shuttle main tanks which
have been burned up in the atmosphere, represents billions of American taxpayers
money, and many many millions of pounds of precious materials and man-hours.
Again, NASA has lost its right to be the guiding voice and vision in the world,
because of the Corruption and Military & National Security Control of NASA,
and its planning and future vision.
So, the International Space Agency (ISA), has been promoting and planning for an
International Space Plane Program, since the 1980's, to create an International
Endeavor by Government and Private Sector to field a TOTALLY REUSABLE
SPACE PLANE VEHICLE & PROGRAM, that would be launched from a Ground
Based Launch System on the side of a mountain, on or near, the Earths Equator.
This has been routinely under mined and attacked by NASA and the U.S. Military.
The topic should not be Shuttle Engine versus RS-68s!
The topic should be Throw Away "Expendable" versus Fully Reusable!
The topic should also not be Nationalism and Militarism of the Human
Space Effort, but should be the Cooperative Peaceful Civil Human Space
NASA is not going to get Humanity "Back To The Moon To Stay" and
Surely will it NEVER get Humanity to Mars! Neither will any other
National Space Agency or Private Organization. This MUST be a Focused
and Global "International/Multi-National" Endeavor, if such things as Luna
Bases & Exploration and Mars Bases & Exploration are to ever become
The International Space Agency (ISA) Organization, must now become
The Voice and Vision for the Human Space Effort, if Humanity is to ever
hope to become a Peaceful Space Faring Society!
Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!
International Space Agency, I.S.A.
International Space Administration
Phone: (402) 299-2799