Note to my Children and Grandchildren and Mankind: “You are the sum of all that has ever been, and therefore the promise of all that will ever be. Live your life fully, morally, and for those who inherit what you leave”
By Cliff Carson
Our current Foreign Policy is an agenda driven by Neo-conservatism supported by Corporate business interests and religious Elitism. The mission of this policy is to create a permanent global crisis as a justification for Interventionism. The intended result of the intervention would be to create a “ perpetual enemy” and a need to protect American interests worldwide. To pull this off our Government must become corrupted both legally and ethically and would need to submit to the Neo-conservative, Corporate, and Elitist consortium, instead of the will of the people. Such an event can only be realized by convincing the people that their safety and freedom depends on their Government having sufficient power and freedom from the Rule of Law, so that they can “protect us from our enemies”. And finally the people would have to accept a Government claim that the only way to repulse our enemies is to give Government tight control over every thing we do, say, write, and yes, think.
Even the dimmest of us would realize that to accomplish all the above would require that we all be dimmed down. But we are a bright people – right? None of the above would ever happen, not in America - right? And as a final proof, if any of the above were happening we bright ones would recognize it. Or I guess we would, maybe, you think?
This corrupted Government’s policy is predicated on the right to intervene everywhere in the world, or in our homes, in whatever forms it might choose, because the Neo-Cons and their two most steadfast enablers, the Religious Right and International Corporations all have interests that are common and global. This is the Neo-Con utopia in a nutshell. Further this philosophy is based on a policy of “elitism” (only we have the intellect to govern), the Neo-Con’s view is that they are destiny’s elite and the Religious Right believe that their religion is the salvation of mankind and if you look around and pay attention you will see that International Business has the policy to put the common person in a type of economic slavery. Finally you will find support of this philosophy everywhere in our two ruling parties. But of course it could never happen here.
Boil all this down and our Foreign Policy becomes “By Gods dispensation, we have Divine Right and any who disagree are therefore enemies of God, be they Individual or State. And with God on our side how can we lose? Enemies of God are to be eradicated or subjugated”. Doing some reading in history I stumbled across the Hitler rationale for the Governance of Germany under his leadership-Would you believe it, the above is a picture of his rationale for Germany’s future. The Third Reich- (Empire) was to endure for 1,000 years. Did the German people buy in? Bet your bankroll they did, that is until after they had given up their rights and rule of law to Hitler, one day they woke up and realized they were the enemies of the Third Reich. Then it was to late. Isn’t history interesting and informative!
The question is – Will American Empire Building Cause us our Freedom? Should we ask the German people? Those who lived under Communism? Should we inquire of history? Or are we consigned to repeat history?
How did we come to this? This didn’t just start when Bush came into office. No, this erosion of the Rule of Law and the Warmongering really began to gain momentum after World War II. But the change from a freedom loving and moral Government to what we have today, an arrogant and selfish elitist Government bent on World domination began so incrementally that those living at that time of change, the tipping point, as Naomi Wolf might describe it, really had to be paying close attention to see it, or even recognize it. But once a tipping point has occurred, the new trend can gain momentum swiftly. After the Great World War, affluence for the common American citizen was real. We never had it so good. Business was booming. Flush with money and the seizure of the American Dream this society of ours had the future nailed, if we could just weed out the criminal element that was sure to try and profit illicitly from the good times. This element always follows the money. They have been with mankind since we stood up to become modern day man. There have always been those who forcefully “take” from the weaker and there always will be. What we have to do is be vigilant of their presence and stop them once we see the telltale signs of corruption and despotism beginning to form. If we don’t, some day we may wake up like the Germans and find that we have become the enemy.
The Neo-Cons are a collection of very special elitists and corporate interests – and they have taken over our government to the extent that they are able to dictate the governance of our society. To question the Neo-Con dictates has become heresy. This allows them to operate with impunity outside our Rule of Law.
Put simply we are becoming a Corporatocracy – a merged word meaning rule of and by the Corporations and elitists. The Corporations, run by Elitists, Neo-Cons, and enabled by the Religious Right, have corrupted our Government. Their policy is for the interests of themselves and the Corporation bottom line. And now these Corporations are into building PCA’s, Private Corporation Armies. Recently we have come to realize that they are now in our everyday lives, but Mercenaries have been around as long as humanity. The First American Mercenary Corporation, DynCorp, was formed in 1946. They are currently making money in Iraq and many other places around the world. They don’t work for our Defense Department; meaning they don’t have to obey rules of the Geneva Convention, instead they work for the State Department (currently spell that Bush). There is profit in supplying the materials or war, and soldiers are an essential ingredient of any war machine. For the Corporations, War and disorder yields a perfect breeding ground for them to build wealth, power, and influence. These potential rewards encourage the Elites, the Militant Corporations, and the corrupted Government to co-join to impose their rule, outside our Rule of Law, and their rule has no incentive for a peaceful Earth. This Shadow Government, run by the Neo-Cons (think the management section of the Elite), has as its ultimate aim, to rule the world for its own sustenance. Each of this unholy Trinity- the Corporations, The Neo-Cons, and the Religious Right, has its own reason for alliance. The Corporations seek the profit a monopoly can bring, the Neo-Cons look to an Absolute Power monopoly as the means to continue their dominance, and the Religious Right believe they have the Divine blessing of monopoly to force on unbelievers God’s work, at their interpretation, anointing themselves as the chosen and rightful wrathful arm of God, with a duty to smite the unbelievers. In essence they are trying to hurry Armageddon. Like Identity Thieves they have stolen what the majority of we Americans stand for: Moral Principle. And once it was stolen, it gets more difficult to replace because each day the consortium grows stronger. And Moral Principle is Anathema to them. The remedy is simple. We must take back what our fathers left us. And we must guard it vigilantly so that what we leave for our future is strengthened by our stewardship. Join those of us who stand on Moral Principle. Correct the aberration we have residing in Washington. We cannot afford to lose our freedoms to build empires.