Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE), issued the following statement.
"There is no doubt that we have made tremendous progress battling domestic violence in the past decade - *we took what was once a dirty little secret no one talked about out of the closet and made its eradication a national priority*. But we cannot let our attention lapse or allow our spending priorities to become misplaced. Everyday women, children and *sometimes men*, in Delaware and across the nation live in fear in their own homes." [*emphasis added*]
Senator Biden needs to get his facts straight. On May 19, 2006 the Center for Disease Control confirmed that over 150 studies have found females are equally likely as males to engage in domestic violence and dating violence[1]. The Senator is helping to continue to hide the other half of that "dirty little secret." This is that adult and teenage women are the perpetrators of domestic and dating violence at least as often as men are. However, there is not one cent in funding to help male victims or their children.
The Senator goes on to say; "...Unfortunately, the President's plan to restructure funding for domestic violence programs puts all of our hard work in serious jeopardy.
Under the President's new budget, those on the front lines of this battle will now have to fight for resources to continue their work."
Senator Biden seems to be preying on the ignorance most Americans have on the structure and operation of federal funding systems. All Federal grants and program funding have fix amounts appropriated. So no matter what the funding is appropriated for the states have and always will be competing to grab the biggest pile from the pot as they can. This is nothing new; it is the way it has always been done.
So what has the Senator's pet project really accomplished with the billions of dollars the taxpayers have spent since 1994?
Over the past two years, True Equality Network in concert with other notable organizations and writers, have exposed the failures[2] and abuses[3] of our domestic violence systems to the victims they profess to serve. We have also tried to reveal the abuses of the system and acts of violence and physical torture that they have inflicted on innocent victims of false allegations of abuse.
What are the results of our efforts? Nearly a year after filing a complaint against Legal Services Corporation (LSC)[4] for ignoring complaints by victims of abuses of the abuse systems, currently co-signed by over one hundred concerned organizations, attorneys, members of the media, and thousands of its victims, not one co-signer or victim has been contacted.
Following the LSC complaint was a broad disclosure[5] and notices to members of Congress[6] detailing the use of physical torture in our own jails to coerce agreements from victims of false allegations of domestic abuses. The methods of torture discovered include, but are not limited to, hypothermic shock and genital electrocution.
Almost paradoxically this discovery, lodged with numerous members of Congress, was followed by a heated but successful effort to legalize many of these methods of torture for use on foreign detainees. Sadly, every member of Congress notified of the use of torture on U.S. citizens voted to support its use on foreign detainees. This is a sickening example of a flawed premise that what seems to work at home should be good for foreigners too.
Among the most ridiculous contradictions in our abuse systems witnessed by several investigative companies and organizations are abuse shelters forcing victims of domestic violence to use money provided to them, via grants to aid victims of crime, to purchase "dating clothes" and attend "socials" with men, hosted by the shelters.
Every abuse advocate and professional knows that codependency is the leading reason abuse victims fall back into abusive relationships. The last thing we should be doing to recent escapees of abuse suffering with codependency issues is force them to start dating. This practice, in effect, has forced the American taxpayer to fund the outright re-victimization of the abused to the tune of a billion dollars a year.
The ideology, legislation, and federal funding used to support and finance the abuses and torture of our own citizens comes largely from the array of systems created by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The mastermind and architect of VAWA is Senator Biden.
Senator Biden, a Constitutional Professor with decades of legislative experience may very well be the most enlightened Constitutional Law scholar today. Rather than working to see to its protection the Senator has used his vast knowledge and experience to construct a system of laws that have done more to undermine our natural rights as acknowledged by our Constitution than all other federal law combined. Moreover, this Senator cannot plead ignorance for his actions.
To add insult to injury, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports in Byrne Program and Violence Against Women Office Grant Monitoring Should Be Better Documented[7], Problems with Grant Monitoring and Concerns About Evaluation Studies[8], and One Byrne Evaluation Was Rigorous; All Reviewed Violence Against Women Office Evaluations Were Problematic[9]. that the vast majority of funding for VAWA cannot be accounted for.
The real legacy of Senator Biden's legal hippogriff shows that it:
1) fails, then victimizes those it claims to serve,
2) through its funding, intentionally excludes more than half the victims of domestic violence from receiving protection and services,
3) is the source of widespread civil and human rights abuses, and
4) proportionally speaking, is one of the greatest examples of the failure in accountability of our government's spending.
However, the destruction of American families, violating the civil and human rights of US citizens, victimizing victims of abuse, and imposing ideology on the people of this country are not enough for Senator Biden. We now know that VAWA was just the opening act for an even greater evil -- the international deployment of American tyranny through the Senator's latest work, the international Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA).
I-VAWA makes the imposition of ideology of VAWA look like child's play. Within the proposed I-VAWA is carefully crafted verbiage presented as being protection of a woman's "right to choice." Review of this legislation shows that this section could make expressing an opinion contrary to someone's female intimate partner's desire to have an abortion a federal offense.
For the first time in American history, this act could make expressing an opinion contrary to popular ideology a criminal act. This cannot be tolerated and must be opposed by everyone who values our freedom. A person's personal choice is their natural right; imposing ideology through the effect and force of law destroys all our right to choose, speak freely and more.
We call those who use violence to suppress the will of their own people and impose their ideology, tyrants and those that use violence to impose their will on world at large, terrorists.
However, not all of the violence in our country is acted out solely by foreign tyrants and terrorists. Much of it is here at home, concealed, and promoted under the guise of helping victims of abuse, funded by federal programs over a decade old.
Senator Biden needs to be reminded what we call those who use violence to suppress the will of their own people and impose their ideology on them. This is how VAWA has operated here at home. He must also be reminded what those who use violence and oppression to impose their will on world at large are called.
I-VAWA will do both damages to the world at large and once again, all done under the guise of protecting victims of abuse. The promulgation of I-VAWA would make the United States of America the largest and most powerful exporter of terrorism in all of recorded history.
Given the Senator's supreme knowledge and experiences, making such a conscious choice in the face of overwhelming evidence of VAWA's failures and destructive forces makes Senator Biden the most dangerous man in America, if not the world.
"There is no doubt that we have made tremendous progress battling domestic violence in the past decade - *we took what was once a dirty little secret no one talked about out of the closet and made its eradication a national priority*. But we cannot let our attention lapse or allow our spending priorities to become misplaced. Everyday women, children and *sometimes men*, in Delaware and across the nation live in fear in their own homes." [*emphasis added*]
Senator Biden needs to get his facts straight. On May 19, 2006 the Center for Disease Control confirmed that over 150 studies have found females are equally likely as males to engage in domestic violence and dating violence[1]. The Senator is helping to continue to hide the other half of that "dirty little secret." This is that adult and teenage women are the perpetrators of domestic and dating violence at least as often as men are. However, there is not one cent in funding to help male victims or their children.
The Senator goes on to say; "...Unfortunately, the President's plan to restructure funding for domestic violence programs puts all of our hard work in serious jeopardy.
Under the President's new budget, those on the front lines of this battle will now have to fight for resources to continue their work."
Senator Biden seems to be preying on the ignorance most Americans have on the structure and operation of federal funding systems. All Federal grants and program funding have fix amounts appropriated. So no matter what the funding is appropriated for the states have and always will be competing to grab the biggest pile from the pot as they can. This is nothing new; it is the way it has always been done.
So what has the Senator's pet project really accomplished with the billions of dollars the taxpayers have spent since 1994?
Over the past two years, True Equality Network in concert with other notable organizations and writers, have exposed the failures[2] and abuses[3] of our domestic violence systems to the victims they profess to serve. We have also tried to reveal the abuses of the system and acts of violence and physical torture that they have inflicted on innocent victims of false allegations of abuse.
What are the results of our efforts? Nearly a year after filing a complaint against Legal Services Corporation (LSC)[4] for ignoring complaints by victims of abuses of the abuse systems, currently co-signed by over one hundred concerned organizations, attorneys, members of the media, and thousands of its victims, not one co-signer or victim has been contacted.
Following the LSC complaint was a broad disclosure[5] and notices to members of Congress[6] detailing the use of physical torture in our own jails to coerce agreements from victims of false allegations of domestic abuses. The methods of torture discovered include, but are not limited to, hypothermic shock and genital electrocution.
Almost paradoxically this discovery, lodged with numerous members of Congress, was followed by a heated but successful effort to legalize many of these methods of torture for use on foreign detainees. Sadly, every member of Congress notified of the use of torture on U.S. citizens voted to support its use on foreign detainees. This is a sickening example of a flawed premise that what seems to work at home should be good for foreigners too.
Among the most ridiculous contradictions in our abuse systems witnessed by several investigative companies and organizations are abuse shelters forcing victims of domestic violence to use money provided to them, via grants to aid victims of crime, to purchase "dating clothes" and attend "socials" with men, hosted by the shelters.
Every abuse advocate and professional knows that codependency is the leading reason abuse victims fall back into abusive relationships. The last thing we should be doing to recent escapees of abuse suffering with codependency issues is force them to start dating. This practice, in effect, has forced the American taxpayer to fund the outright re-victimization of the abused to the tune of a billion dollars a year.
The ideology, legislation, and federal funding used to support and finance the abuses and torture of our own citizens comes largely from the array of systems created by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The mastermind and architect of VAWA is Senator Biden.
Senator Biden, a Constitutional Professor with decades of legislative experience may very well be the most enlightened Constitutional Law scholar today. Rather than working to see to its protection the Senator has used his vast knowledge and experience to construct a system of laws that have done more to undermine our natural rights as acknowledged by our Constitution than all other federal law combined. Moreover, this Senator cannot plead ignorance for his actions.
To add insult to injury, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports in Byrne Program and Violence Against Women Office Grant Monitoring Should Be Better Documented[7], Problems with Grant Monitoring and Concerns About Evaluation Studies[8], and One Byrne Evaluation Was Rigorous; All Reviewed Violence Against Women Office Evaluations Were Problematic[9]. that the vast majority of funding for VAWA cannot be accounted for.
The real legacy of Senator Biden's legal hippogriff shows that it:
1) fails, then victimizes those it claims to serve,
2) through its funding, intentionally excludes more than half the victims of domestic violence from receiving protection and services,
3) is the source of widespread civil and human rights abuses, and
4) proportionally speaking, is one of the greatest examples of the failure in accountability of our government's spending.
However, the destruction of American families, violating the civil and human rights of US citizens, victimizing victims of abuse, and imposing ideology on the people of this country are not enough for Senator Biden. We now know that VAWA was just the opening act for an even greater evil -- the international deployment of American tyranny through the Senator's latest work, the international Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA).
I-VAWA makes the imposition of ideology of VAWA look like child's play. Within the proposed I-VAWA is carefully crafted verbiage presented as being protection of a woman's "right to choice." Review of this legislation shows that this section could make expressing an opinion contrary to someone's female intimate partner's desire to have an abortion a federal offense.
For the first time in American history, this act could make expressing an opinion contrary to popular ideology a criminal act. This cannot be tolerated and must be opposed by everyone who values our freedom. A person's personal choice is their natural right; imposing ideology through the effect and force of law destroys all our right to choose, speak freely and more.
We call those who use violence to suppress the will of their own people and impose their ideology, tyrants and those that use violence to impose their will on world at large, terrorists.
However, not all of the violence in our country is acted out solely by foreign tyrants and terrorists. Much of it is here at home, concealed, and promoted under the guise of helping victims of abuse, funded by federal programs over a decade old.
Senator Biden needs to be reminded what we call those who use violence to suppress the will of their own people and impose their ideology on them. This is how VAWA has operated here at home. He must also be reminded what those who use violence and oppression to impose their will on world at large are called.
I-VAWA will do both damages to the world at large and once again, all done under the guise of protecting victims of abuse. The promulgation of I-VAWA would make the United States of America the largest and most powerful exporter of terrorism in all of recorded history.
Given the Senator's supreme knowledge and experiences, making such a conscious choice in the face of overwhelming evidence of VAWA's failures and destructive forces makes Senator Biden the most dangerous man in America, if not the world.