John Kerry: "These Guys Are the Most Crooked, Lying Group I've Ever Seen" Republican Response: democrats are (read that Kerry is) are Angry, harsh...
By Rob Kall
Kerry, thinking he was off-mike, said this to some union members.
We're just getting started. These Guys Are the Most Crooked, Lying Group I've Ever Seen"
Personally, this makes me like Kerry a LOT more. He's just speaking the truth, and, following in the tradition of Howard Dean, not being afraid to say what we all know anyway. And. in the continuing tradition of Howard Dean, we have The Bush Team's Lying Spin-- They say: democrats have been using harsh, angry bitter rhetoric.
Hey. It worked on Dean, labeling him angry, unstable, why not try it on Kerry too? Bottom line, Kerry was cool as a cucumber and what he said was true.
Now, the question is, how will the media handle this? Will they repeat, hundreds of times, the Republican attack, that lyingly labels Kerry as angry or harsh.
Remember during the 2000 elections when, thinking himself off-mike, Bush and Cheney had this exchange?
Bush "There's Adam Clymer -- major league a**hole -- from the New York Times," Bush said.
Cheney, "Yeah, big time," returned Cheney.
The media didn't label Bush or Cheney as foul-mouthed, nasty creeps. The democrats didn't either. Back then, Bush was also making a big deal about civility in the campaign. Now we know, when he says he's going to do the right thing, he does the opposite, or does it with a twist that pays off one crony or another.
This is the harsh, dirty talk, the ugly side of politics-- trying to label candidates as emotionally unstable. Of course, it's understandable to try to attach Kerry's character. We will certainly see Bush and the Bush presidential campaign mouthpieces-- Fox, Limbaugh, Hannity, Clear Channel... attacking Kerry's character, his honesty, his integrity. They'll do it because they have a candidate who is bereft of character, who IS a crooked liar, surrounded by more crooked liars.
The irony is that the response by the republican, right wing echo chamber will assuredly be covered by the mainstream media even more than Kerry's remarks. They won't ask him why he said it, but they'll help the republicans brand him as angry and harsh.
Kerry needs to come back and point to the actual video, that he was calm, relaxed, and that the charges are good examples of the lies he's talking about.
The LA Times reports
"Kerry spokesman David Wade said the candidate was speaking in a public place and had no reason to think his comments would not be heard. The spokesman then reiterated the senator's remarks. He said Kerry was speaking about "the Republican attack machine," not President Bush personally."
"The Republicans "have waged the most crooked,
deceitful, personal attacks over the course of the last four
years," Wade told reporters traveling with Kerry from Chicago to
Washington this afternoon. "We're making it very clear he's a
Democrat who's punching back."
"When asked for examples of crooked
behavior by the GOP, he cited doctored photos circulating on the
Internet that depict Kerry sitting next to Jane Fonda at antiwar rallies
during the Vietnam War and as a young Navy officer shooting a prisoner
of war."
The JOKE is that the republicans are suing to stop PAC ads against George Bush while using allies in the media to constantly lambaste Kerry. The PACs should counter sue to keep Fox, Clear channel, and the dittoheads off the air or not mentioning Kerry or Bush. That'll kill the lawsuit fast enough.
Here's the reply Kerry's spokesperson made to Republican whiners:
Statement from Kerry Spokesperson on John Kerry's Comments on Republican Attacks
Washington, DC - The following statement was issued by Kerry spokesperson, Stephanie Cutter, regarding comments made by John Kerry on Republican attacks while on the campaign trail today:
"Four years ago, John Kerry saw what the right-wing attack machine did to John McCain in South Carolina. Two years ago, he saw what they did to Max Cleland. Now they're coming after John Kerry. What he was saying today was that we're not going to take it. Our opponents are willing to say or do anything to stop John Kerry from bringing change to America. We're not going to shy away from knocking down their deceitful attacks."
Rob Kall is editor/founder of This article is copyright Rob Kall and originally published by but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog or web media so long as this credit paragraph is attached. Over 85 other articles by Rob Kall
a right wing reader comment, with a reply by writer Rob Kall:
Quoting> Hmmmm.....
> OpEdNews huh.
> Op I assume means opinion.
> Ed is probably editorial.
> If this is the case then news would be the opposite of these 2 terms.
> Be that as it may, of course you would like Kerry more for supporting your
> view.
> As for crooks, do the names Torriceli and Clinton come to mind?
> Bribery for the purpose of political favors and perjury, oh yeah these are
> the men that I want representing my interests.
> See you in November, I'll be chilling the champagne.
Funny thing about you right wingers. You can't
tell the difference between corruption and stealing, a blow job and
Clinton had oral sex. The traitors who sabotaged his presidency spent
millions of the taxpayers's dollars and millions more of think tank money
trying to find fault with his dealings. HELLO! They failed. MEanwhile Bush
has screwed the whole nation, three million plus unemployed 40 plus
million without health care, forests clear cut, atmosphere polluted,
workers losing long held protections, global warming science re-written--
except by the military which now categorize it as dangerous
Torricelli accepted gifts, which was un-ethical and unacceptable, but he
was never, to my knowledge, accused of stealing. Meanwhile, your
vice-president hires his employer to rip us off for tens of millions of
dollars. I see the military just dumped Halliburton for a Turkish gas
supplier. .
I hope Kerry does NOT apologize. So far everyone I've spoken to has been
glad he said it. It's the truth. Your guys are crooked liars and worse.
And besides, Clinton isn't running. Our candidate is a decorated,
courageous war hero who had enough courage to speak out about mistakes and
wrongs the government committed. Bush can't admit error, let alone
Sipping champagne, eh? I guess you'll have woken up and become a convert
to the Democratic party. You know-- justice, fairness in taxes and health
care, responsible and patriotic enough to pay taxes, non-homophobic,
respecting the environment, other people's beliefs, expecting businesses
to pay their share and act responsibly. That would be a good start.
Rob Kall