In the Beginning, there was nothing to fear. Religion changed that.
Nobody really understands Religion, except it seemed a good excuse
to kill. (Ten Years After a space in time) I'd love to change the world,
but I don't know what to I'll leave it up to Y - O - U !
Then I get on my knees and pray... we don't get fooled again! Who?
All we are saying... is give WAR CRIMINALS arrest! bushes, don't walk.
The banker takes away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.
Yes, we can! We have nothing to fear but foreclosure itself.
Let no banker rend asunder what dreams bought with bad credit.
and now, for something completely different, try peace policy.
For each person, for each group of people, for each belief system,
there must be a way to get along and be liked by everyone. How
do the Canadians do it? They speak English, have no worries about
nuclear powered camels, sheep or oxen eating up the rabbit's grass.
There must be something Stephen Harper knows that Obama doesn't.
I could tell you, but not before I get permanent residency, eh?
It's no fun to live in a world with no rights America's armed church
choir does not wish to grant you. Being tortured and denied due
process hurts.
Members of the not-yet-dead President's club watch each other's back.
Now is the time for all Great American buck-buck champions to be like
Fat Albert. Hey, hey, hey! Did someone say TRUTH COMMISSION?
In who's God do We Trust?