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OpEdNews 5th Birthday-- A Look Back

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Rob Kall
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Happy Birthday OpEdNews
Tomorrow, Feb 28, is the fifth Birthday for OpEdNews.com. After a few weeks of gearing up for going live, OpEdNews opened just a few weeks before the start of the Iraq war.
Happy Birthday Present Donations are welcome. I'd guess, that in the first three years, OpEdNews received total funding of under $3000.   Now, our monthly budget is higher than that. Donate here for OpEdNews' happy birthday.  Now, enjoy some nostalgia:


Check out  old, about three year old archive of regular contributors, no longer used after May 2005. Only a few of the articles have been transferred to the database. (we now have a system in place to transfer them and could use volunteers to help do the transfer.)

 Our old sitemap is a must see. If you've never checked it out, you might be surprised with some of the resources we have on the site, kind of like finding an attic full of treasures.  

Back when we started, we used a shared hosting platform. Then we grew, so we expanded to a server, for 7.99 a month, that provided 50 megabytes of storage and about 500 megabytes of bandwidth. Five or six hosting sites later, we now use a dedicated private server with a 500 Gigabyte hard drive, two gigabytes of RAM and 2.5 terabytes of monthly bandwidth, at a cost of about $320, including 24 hour tech coverage.

Some of the early articles from our First year of publishing.  

 Iraq War: Plan on 90,000-250,000 US Troop Casualties, long term costs of $150-$900 Billion  by Rob Kall published March 6, 2003.  
A few by Jesse Lee, one of our first writers, who went on to edit the DCCC blog, and now works as head of new media for the Speaker of the house.
Another American diplomat quits over Iraq Mary A. Wright's resignation letter to Colin Powell
And who would have thought that I'd get to know Ann Wright, publish multiple articles by her, and an interview with her done by one of our first editors,  Amanda Lang.
Why is G.W. Bush Crushing the Nation of Iraq? Mike Berry
How to Take Back America Thom Hartmann
Is  the President Nuts? Diagnosing Dubya Carol Wolman, M.D. (one of our first and still current valued writers.)
War is Not Viagra
At least 7 Oil Wells on Fire. Who set them? Saddam? or Cheney's Haliburton? >
Who Started The'91 Kuwait Oil Well Fires? 5 GI vets say U.S. Desert Post Weekly, 3/13/ 2003, Steve Brown, News Editor
 Listen To Tommy Franks Carefully Damien Howard

Myths and Facts About the War Rahul Mahajan and Robert Jensen
Urgent: Creation of A Progessive Counterpart to Conservative Think Tanks
Analysis: After Iraq, what's next?
When Democracy Failed Thom Hartmann
Questions pollsters are failing to ask that would really tell us what Americans think
The Misunderstood Link Between Al-Qaeda and Iraq Ahmad Faruqui
Give me totalitarian comfort and convenience at all costs......Even war? By Holly Berkowitz opednews.com
“AN HONEST MISTAKE” – A One Act Play by Dick and Bush by Jesse Lee Based on actual fictional events. June 13, OpEdNews.com
The Minimum Requirements for ‘Just’ Warfare by Allen Snyder June 13, OpEdNews.com
You've Been Drafted written by Rob Kall, editor, OpEdNews.com Whatever your age........
Please Support OpEdNews.com  With a Contribution. My pay is averaging under ten cents an hour. I love this work, but love to eat and pay our kids' college tuition too. I'm putting in about 10-15 hours a day and received a total of $105 in funds from supporters.
Bush Lied, People Died: All Hat and No Cattle Jim Caddell, opednews.com
Bill Moyers; Perhaps The Best Speech Of the Year. This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On
Dems and Liberals: Don’t Get Fooled Again Jesse Lee opednews.com
The Rash Lieboy Show Kayla Michaels opednews.com
Relative Human Worth & "Compassionate" Conservatism Dr. Gerry Lower opednews.com
Merge Left 

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What progressives can learn from the right wing's rise. tomPaine.com
 Bush's Brain by Mark Karlin
A Tough Liberal Stance on National Security by Bob Petrusak 6/9 opednews.com
Patriot Act Related Stories by Claudia Slate
The Nerve of the Federal Reserve
A. Scott Piraino OpEdNews
Memes to Beat Bush With: BushConomics and Bush Victories By Rob Kall OpEdNews.Com
Calling for a Media Crimes Tribunal by Danny Schecter OpEdNews.Com
The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything by Dr. Tim O'Shea
Bush is a Genius Rob Kall
BUSH: The Stench of Corruption Jim Caddell
The Third Depression By A. Scott Piraino   OpEdNews.com
Guts, Action, Standing Up to Tom DeLay, Saying NO......  Texas Democrats Set a Standard for the Whole Party By Robert Jensen


Starting a Progressive Counterpart to the Neocon's Most Powerful Weapon-- the Policy Creation and Advocacy Think Tank; Join the Grassroots Effort to Build One Rob Kall

• Are You a Tough Talking Liberal? We want tough talking editorials-- tough on the right, tough on Limbaugh sycophants, tough on stupidity. Send your articles, letters, rants, anecdotes to Tough Talk  

Is Dubya the Antichrist? Jim Caddell,  OpEdNews.Com May 28

The New War For Independence: Part I Kayla Michaels OpEdNews.Com May 28, 2003

The Forgotten Deficit By A. Scott Piraino Has the global economy created our trade deficits, or have our trade deficits created the global economy? OpEdNews.com May 28

Where are the Real Patriots While Bush Rapes and Trashes America? by Rob Kall

Standards for Measuring George's Morality Dr. Gerry Lower OpEdNews.com

A Political Philosophy based on Lying: Bush, Willie Nelson Share much in Philosophy, Texas, Past Drunkenness By Mike Hudson  OpedNews.com 5/26

If Wealthy Liberals and Liberal Foundations Don't Fund Think Tanks to Take on the Right, then We Might as Well Throw in the Towel. Rob Kall 
OpEdNews.com  May, 25, 2003

Some Courageous mainstream journalists still stand up to censorship By Jackson Thoreau OpEdNews.Com May 24, 2003

Thoughts On Our Waking Nightmare by Allen Snyder OpEdNews.com May 24, 2003

Do you want to know who the Americans running Iraq really are?  By Jan Oberg opednews.com  May 24, 2003

Language Barrier: How "Blood Money" Becomes "Business Opportunities" By Chris Floyd  OpEdNews.com May 24, 2003The Bush Tax HIKE Jesse Lee, OpEdNews.com 5/23

Graham's God and George's Evolution Depression & Devotion: the Bush Pathology Dr. Gerry Lower OpEdNews.com 5/23

Blacks, Jews and Uncle Sam Seth Sandronsky  OpEdNews.Com May 23, 2003

Whither American Nationalism? by Ahmad Faruqui opednews.com May 22, 2003


And here's the earliest article, in our articles, that I linked to:

Press Dropping the Ball Molly Ivins:
and here's the link to archive page with hundreds of links to articles on other sites that we posted the firest six or eight months of our existence. Don't expect them to all still be working five years later.
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Rob Kall Social Media Pages: Facebook Page       Twitter page url on login Profile not filled in       Linkedin page url on login Profile not filled in       Instagram page url on login Profile not filled in

Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media.

Check out his platform at RobKall.com

He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, OpEdNews.com

more detailed bio:

Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness (more...)

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