What will the DNC, the DSCC and the DCCC do about it?
In behavioral psychology, there's a concept called innoculation The patient is taught psychological techniques to innoculate himself in response to stressors that would ordinarily cause unwanted reactions, like anxiety, panic or rage attacks.
Knowing that the republicans are planning the biggest, nastiest, ugliest negative ad campaign in the hhistory of the world, it would behoove the Democratic leadership to take some smart action to immunize voters from the sleazoid attack ads the Republicans will be running.
I truly hope someone in the DNC has figured out that this needs to be done. If they're smart, they'll neutralize and maybe even convert all that negative Republican ad money into a plus for their candidates....
Naaah. I forgot. They're Democrats. They can't win, even when the voters can't stand the republicans or the war. Where are the leaders?? I hope one shows up-- one f orward thinking enough to juse some advertising jiu jitsu to turn the Republican's $50 million negative ad campaign into a fleet of sinking swiftboats.