Yesterday, MSNBC news network, Chris Mattews introduced a daily newspaper editor from one of the "most conservative papers in America." She corrected him, saying their editorial page was conservative, and then corrected herself, saying "more Libertarian, really." It's another sign of the descent of the Republican party, when a staunch conservative paper disavows a connection to the party.
As the Republican party faces an almost daily onslaught of breaking news portraying its leaders as unethical, scandalous and incompetent, more and more Republicans and their supporters in the media-- anchors, pundits, commentators, even whole newspaper editorial departments, are characterizing themselves as Libertarian, as opposed to Republican.
With Sleaze, Corruption and Scandal clouding the Republican party's image in america, this is bad news for the Christian right. Hypocrisy almost seems to be the mainstay of republican leaders.
It seems that in America, people are a lot more tolerant of one's sexual pecadillos than they are of hypocrisy. They'll tolerate a gay congressman, at least in and from some states, but not one who votes against gay rights while engaging in homosexual acts. Hypocrisy doesn't cut it.
We see some of these kinds-- social liberals and fiscal conservatives in the Democratic party-- the blue dogs in congress.
We'll be seeing a lot more of them on the Republican side of the aisle.
Already, Ron Paul, who ran for president before, as a Libertarian, is getting a lot of attention as a Republican presidential candidate in this cycle.
Last December, former Republican congressman and current critic of the Bush admin, Bob Barr became a Libertarian. On TV, we have Bill Maher, Lou Dobbs, TUcker Carlson, who have declared themselves not republican or democrat. I won't be surprised to see Joe Scarborough, who's been moving to the center on many issues, embracing Libertarianism... same with Chris Matthews.
It will be harder for already elected members of congress. But there could be a good that comes out of this. As more and more right wingers distance themselves from the current hypocrisy and scandal ridden current incarnation of the Republican party, they may find themselves unhappy with the current two party election system. If some influential pundits and politicians finally wake up and realize that the election system is broken and two party elections are a big part of the problem, then maybe instant run-off voting and equal treatment for third parties will become major issues that the most disliked congress in recent history will have to face.
Meanwhile, the Republican hypocrisy machine churns on. The dump Larry Craig in the flash of an eye, because a Republican Governor in Idaho can replace him with a Republican Senator. But David Vitter, caught in a relationship with a whore house gets a pass because he's in a state with a Democratic Governor. Now that Larry Craig has been pushed off the ledge by his party, the lamestream media should be boosting the Republican hypocrisy story on Vitter to their highest rotation. Why do they give him a pass. Tne news anchors should be asking all the Republcan leaders this question. We'll see, in a few hours, this Sunday morning, whether any of the sunday political shows do their jobs or prove they are part of the problem of the mainstream media.
Do me a favor. I can't watch them all. Add your comments here as to whether Meet the Press, or any of the other shows actually ask any Republican leaders why Vitter isn't next.