But apparently, in a recent edition of "New Rules,", Maher said,
"Crazy people who still think the government brought down the Twin Towers in a controlled explosion have to stop pretending that I'm the one who's being naive," says Maher.
How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a massive inferno that burned for two hours, and then think 'Well, if you believe that was the cause...'
Stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you."
I don't get it. The latest polls show that a majority of Americans are not satisfied with the the the 9/11 Commission did. I wasn't. It was clear that Bush and Cheney were doing all they could to impede the investigations.
But how can Maher possibly use his jets to explain the third tower that collapsed?
I was one of the original co-signers of the 9/11 Truth statement because I was not satisfied with the original inquiry. Since then, a lot of reasonable questions have been raised. Some powerful observations and theories have been posited. They deserve answers. The people of the US and the world deserve a re-opening of the 9/11 investigation-- a full investigation. It should start now and then go even further once Bush leaves office and is unable to further block the digging that must be done.
Later in the same monologue, Maher makes a joke about breastfeeding mothers, commenting that breastfeeding is an intimate act. He adds,
"Well so is masturbating, but I don't do that at Applebees, at least not in the main dining room."
If I could reach Bill Maher, (and sometimes, google alerts help make that happen) I'd tell him that it looks to me like he's pulling someone elses dick, not his. There are tons of questions that are reasonable-- not crazy at all. So, why, Bill, are you making a mockery of the majority of Americans who want answers that were ignored or intentionally avoided? I've always thought you're your own man, Bill. But when you help promote the message of the right wingers who tried to sell the piss poor story that the 9/11 investigation was complete and comprehensive-- and that's what you do when you, with one broad stroke, insult the 9/11 truthers-- you serve the people who'd like to keep the lid on all the questions that were never answered.
Even when it comes to the towers, I have an open mind. Sure, "they" say the towers fell because of the heat and burning fuel. It's a bit odd that Maher, who knows what total liars the Bush Administration is composed of, just buys that particular story. But I don't know enough about engineering, so I listen when engineers say it doesn't add up. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief.
Still, even ignoring the the big towers, there are so many more questions worthy of attention... sorry Bill. You're getting it wrong on this one. Fortunately, the majoirty of Americans know better and most likely, congress WILL re-open hearings on 9/11.
So, Bill, keep up the good work, over all, holding any and all politicians feet to the fire, and take another read on 9/11. Only this time, Bill, hold onto your own dick, not some right winger's who wants you to shut up the voices of the questioners.
(sorry for the scatalogical imagery, but after watching Maher's cable-language monologue, I was inspired. Yes. I know that scatological is about excretory functions. Well, we're talkin' 'bout Maher's bullshit attitude to 9/11 Truthers, aren't we?)