Hillary got off easy, from Blitzer. But Edwards and Obama went after her.It was interesting that Edwards caught the flak, getting hit pretty hard by Blitzer and company. They're afraid of him. Hillary did get in some good answers on her running as a woman. Of course gender is an issue. The question is how does she handle this excursion into unexplored territory-- the land of female presidential candidacy... and how do the other candidates handle their travels in the neighboring land of running against a female candidate?
Blitzer asked some questions that surely, Republicans would find the answers useful.
Obama did not come across as dynamic, special or a leader, just another candidate. I think he lost the most this time.
I like what Edwards says about taking care of the people, of workers, rather than big business. That resonates with me. But I'm not your average listener. Does his message get through to the tiny fraction of viewers who watch debates? That's his challenge.
Biden was engaging, funny and showed his diplomatic expertise, and Richardson came back showing it too. Edwards chimed in, also showing more than expected in that area.
Kucinich had some good lines, but, on at least two ocassions, seemed grouchy and angry. His reply on whether he would support democrats was probably not clear to most Americans. I'm not sure I understood it. I did like his line, "Just imagine what it would be like to have a president who's right the first time."
Dodd keeps coming across as a wonk. He has experience, has done the right thing in recent senate votes where Hillary and Obama have refused to take a stand, but that's not enough.
He needs to break out with some stories that change him from reporting information to tying in with something that produces an emotional response.
There was a strong debate over healthcare. That's a good thing, but it only lasted a few minutes. I'd love to see a whole debate devoted to just that issue.
Richardson is looking more presidential. Being a governor really IS a lot different than being a member of congress. His answers were smart, principled and decidedly different than the Republicans. That shows guts and character.