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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 9/11/10

Democrats are too timid; fighting back is hard for them to do.

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I will start with a quote from the 21st Century Democrats email newsletter:

Republicans were just handed some good news - which isn't a good thing!

Results from a Washington Post/ABC poll show that for the first time in more than 4 years, GOP candidates run evenly to Democrats on who they trust to handle the nation's biggest problems amongst registered voters!

Democrats had a 12-point advantage just three months ago - and that's why this election just got a lot tougher.

Because the Democrats believe that honesty is the best policy, and because they absolutely hate to get into the roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty type of politics, they're losing ground quickly.

Now, I am not suggesting that the Democrats use the same tactics as the Republicans. The Republicans and their me-too Tea Party people, use the Big Lie tactic. Tell a Big enough lie, often enough, and soon people will believe it. In addition, the Republicans have been working with this as their guiding light for years now, so they're quite good at it.

What the Democrats need to do is really rather simple. President Obama has begun to counter the Republicans in the right way, and the rest of the Democratic Party has to start using the same approach: fight back with the truth immediately.

Don't wait, wringing your hands and wondering how to counter the Republicans. How to counter them is simple tell the American People just how much the Republicans have been lying to them. Moreover, do it as soon as the next lie or campaign of misdirection comes out.

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