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Money As Speech Is Not A Democratic Doctrine, It Is Class Slavery

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   4 comments
Message Kent Welton
     Freedom is Slavery, Slavery is freedom.   This is the real definition of the money as speech doctrine, a corrupt plutocratic dogma of "freedom" put upon us by the all-empowering act of but one Supreme Court justice in a 5-4 decision.
     This Money Uber Alles doctrine is nothing less than an old imperial notion of societal shackling and keeping the masses in check. It is nothing less than protectionism for oligarchy and ruling elites.
      In effect, it means the defeat and banishment of any form of economic democracy - wherein the vast majority might actually control the shape and fate of their economy and society.  This travesty of justice occurs in a USA without a National Initiative process - whereby the people would have the final say in their affairs, limited only by a strong Bill of Rights, but with the ability to overrule any such fascist, five-man, dictates and the pathetic mis-representation by the re-election junkies we call our "representatives."
     What are we to make of these "Federalist" individuals, of these immensely rich persons, the entrenched megalithic corporations, and the mega-banks whose private money and credit power is now virtually unlimited?   Who supports this crude fascism?  Are the proponents so misanthropic, amoral, compassion-less, and power hungry due to some genetic defect, or a defective upbringing and socialization?
     In any case, a serious deformation of society is occurring because a tiny portion of the people who constitute the Polis, and the constituency of enfranchised beings, has usurped the money power  - a power now used to put up and control a Potemkin democracy.  This money as speech dogma bestows the right to purchase evermore power and social control in any money-driven political process until, of course, democracy is finished and the oligarchic concept of "freedom" means our slavery again.   
      As we are now seeing, money as speech brings us the utter corruption of democracy, and the death of fairness and both societal and economic balance.  Yet history also informs us this demented dogma puts us on the path of societal turmoil, conflict and needless ruin.  Indeed, the cost of such unbridled plutocracy, fascism, corruption, imperialism, and debt-money slavery is, and always has been, immense and incalculable.
      In short, we are forced to swallow this dismal and corrupt dogma because we have lost control of our lives and society to the money power -- i.e., those who have brought us a warped, counterproductive, and fascist capitalism along with a state terrorism apparatus aimed at the people.
      What is it about this money power over others that has become so sociopathic in its adherents?  Why has their vaunted "free market " capitalism become so totalitarian?  What can we say about all the "think tank" flunkeys who suck at the teat of the fascist money power, and "free press" journalists quaking in their boots while fearing unemployment and the professional death of blacklisting for breaches of editorial dogma?
       What exactly makes this tiny minority so self-centered and dismissive of the interests of the vast wage-earning majority -- i.e., the very people who produce their wealth, serve their interests, and who live in fear of an economically devastating retribution?   Is it simple dogma and a belief of superiority over others?  Is it drugs, alcohol, religion, or self-hatred?  Do these misanthropes need better drugs?
       What makes the theoreticians of these egocentric, power-driven, amoral doctrines equate the slavery of the majority with freedom?   How do they calculate the self worth and societal power of a man with a dollar as of far less worth than the man with a million? When enough isn't enough then you're in trouble, but when money is speech then the rest of us are in trouble
      It is the power of money as speech in corporate media that makes people believe, or pretend to believe, we have a free press.  It is money as speech that makes people believe we should have a tiny, unelected, private cartel in control of our money and credit" despite Constitutional prerogatives to the contrary.  Even given the internet, it is money as speech in corporate media and politics that drowns out the voices of the vast majority, and makes certain subjects verbotten and off limits.
      The money-as-speech gambit, the corporation as person fiction, and the money power should remain "independent" of of the people fable, are surely the latter-day shackles to our subservient station. They are the cross our corrupted society must bear, and the power of the few to perpetuate what has become a neo-slavery for the vast wage-earning majority. 
      Yet these same doctrines are laughable on their face.  Nevertheless, they represent "our" reality and the face of brutality.  For the privileged few, they foster the ability to hold onto power at all costs, to control every aspect of our lives.  The Matrix doesn't quite describe this sick societal situation, a Mad House of Money is more like it.  
     While the internet has enabled a great many to connect and calculate the damage done to their society by these money power doctrines, the corporate media and the "two party" Truman World facade still remains dominant in the minds of most.   Add to this the decades and centuries of indoctrination in schools wherein textbooks are tightly controlled as to acceptable views, acceptable to the hirelings at the publishing houses of the ruling elites.
      In addition we face the problem of our votes removed from trace-able and honest paper ballots with digital black boxes over which private companies control.  Our final, fail-safe, protection for democracy is now abdicated, sold off, and privatized.  Today, one software engineer can throw an election and overturn democracy - surely one of the highest crimes imaginable.
       Within the seemingly endless historical swings of social and economic power between a brutal, fascist, capitalism and a lethargic labor socialism, a salutary balance of power between labor and capital has proven difficult to maintain.  Today, we see not only the ugly apotheosis of a corrupt money-power capitalism but also the beginnings of a mass understandings of the rightful powers of the people.   Once again, the struggle has just begun" although it never really ended.

Kent Welton,

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Author, Exec. Dir. The Center For Balance.org - Websites: PanditPress.com, OligarchyUSA.com, PublicCentralBank.com, EditorFreedom.com, FascismUSA.com & more
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