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Take Back Our Future From The Bureaucrats and Banksters

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Try withholding your tithe to the king (taxman) and you are thrown out of your home, impoverished and imprisoned. Question authority, with any reason and effectiveness, and you are labeled a 'terrorist' or a 'conspiracy nut' - and your reputation, career and life are destroyed. Small and medium-sized farms and businesses - always the backbone of the American economy - have been driven out of business or gobbled up by the huge, bankster-controlled conglomerates. Mom and Pop don't run the corner store anymore - they work for minimum wage at the Wal-Mart that drove them out of business. Uncle Frank still works the farm, but he doesn't own it anymore - he's just another employee of the Agribusiness conglomerates that drove him into foreclosure with manipulations of the commodities markets. Factory workers and skilled laborers (those whose jobs haven't already been shipped overseas) are threatened with continual cuts to hard-earned pay and benefits and are being falsely blamed for economic turmoil while the REAL culprits in this mess - Congressman and corporate executives continue to reap six, seven and eight-figure salaries while their employees are forced to take further cuts and are laid-off in droves - because the company isn't profitable due to poor management decisions, arbitrary and capricious government regulation enforcement, and onerous and unfair tax laws.

Washington and Wall Street don't see (or care) how their poor decisions affect Main Street because they are so disconnected from the grassroots of this country. Their solutions of 'targeted tax breaks' seem reasonable to them because they haven't had THEIR savings drained by the energy companies in 2006-2007, their IRA's, 401k's, and pensions decimated in 2008, and THEIR pay reduced or jobs outsourced over the last 20 years! Even more insidious is the Federal Reserve's wasteful pumping of trillions of dollars for years into the failing banks that the Fed's own Board of Governors are either investors in, board members of, or are targeting for takeover themselves. This has fed a REAL inflation rate of 10-15% a year for the last few decades (don't believe the cooked 'official' figures of 2-4% that don't even contain energy, housing or health care numbers, among other REAL WORLD expenses!).

What really is happening here is simply economic and social enslavement. We now have a ruling class in this country (and world) that is just as onerous and oblivious to the needs of the common people as King George was to the American Colonists. Throughout history, when the wealth and power of a society becomes too concentrated in the hands of too few, the inevitable and unstoppable result is chaos, collapse, revolution and restoration of a new order. Unfortunately, those in power always tend to cling to the reigns of control far too long, making the resulting transition often more chaotic, bloody and destructive than it needs to be.

America is at a turning point. Just as the Roman Empire was overburdened with wars and economic and social turmoil of a decadent elite class, so is the American Republic today. Perhaps we will go the way of the Roman Republic - morphing into a Dictatorship that (for a time) led to even greater heights of power. That still only delayed the inevitable Roman economic and societal collapse and resulted in the chaos and destruction of that empire being even more devastating and complete. Or, perhaps, we will go the way of another Republic - the Weimar Republic in Germany of the early 20th century. Economic chaos and the greed of it's leaders led to a minority party becoming the 'savior' of the nation. Hitler's Nazis were very well financed by the resident Banksters of the era (many of whom still are as powerful or more so today!). The corporate partnership between the fascists and the capitalists was mutually beneficial for both. And neither minded if a few million people got killed along the way - as long as their bottom lines and power base never suffered!

Of course, the banksters are equal-opportunity economic sociopaths! They also funded Lenin and Stalin's regimes to the tune of billions of dollars in loans, while pogroms and forced famines were killing millions in the USSR. They continue to this day to partner with the Chinese, who (beyond the literal economic enslavement of their OWN population) are the only reason that the criminal regimes in North Korea and Sudan are still standing. The supply of oil to the cities of Beijing and Shanghai MUST be maintained, so it is convenient to look the other way as millions of Christians and Animists are slaughtered in Darfur. The North Koreans provide perfect distraction for American politicians, as well as a drain on American Military and economic power! Despite a show of loud protests, the U.S. would never do anything to REALLY stop the slaughter in Darfur, or the enslavement of the people of North Korea, since that would SEVERELY strain relations with our biggest landlord - er... 'Trading Partner'!

The countless emerging and third-world countries held in thrall by the iron economic grip of the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements and the rest of the Gang of International Banksters have served well as an economic model that is now in full-swing implementation mode for the big economies Western Europe, Asia and the Americas. Populations are not seen as resources to be partnered with to lift up the economies of those countries. Instead, they are seen as commodities to be used up and thrown away- only as a means to gain more money and power for those in control.

What is needed today is a way to break the inevitable cycle of boom-and-bust, and the Pump-And-Dump mentality of the Bankster elite, who use the economy as a means of enriching and empowering themselves. Unfortunately, this will not happen in America as long as people continue to believe in the false dichotomies of 'Democrat versus Republican' and 'Liberal versus Conservative'. These meaningless labels are merely an attempt to gloss over the fact that there is really only ONE party in America - the MONEY PARTY. And only one controlling philosophy - GREED. Money, in the form of political contributions, investment 'opportunities' and promises of lucrative future employment allows the wealthy corporations to use government as a very effective tool to enrich themselves by passing favorable legislation, gaining bloated contracts, controlling regulators, and squeezing out small and medium size business competition and consolidating control of their industries through all of these tactics. Anyone buying into the left-right, Demopublican-Republicrat, liberal-conservative argument is only swallowing the Red Herring. It will only give you a false sense of fulfillment, economic indigestion, and will divert you from seeing the real basis for the problems in this society - the need for the ruling elite to continually create false dissent among the masses to prevent them from rising up and overthrowing their REAL oppressors! Young vs. Old, black vs. white, city vs. suburb, north vs. south, et cetera ad nauseum!

But, by far, the worst false conflict that is perpetuated by the controlling elite is the false 'rich vs. poor' conflict. Notice how it's never 'Wealthy' vs. non-wealthy... That's because even when you are 'Rich', you're still only one or two setbacks away from being poor again! That can happen through a business cycle downturn (controlled by the Banksters) targeting by the IRS (controlled by the Banksters), congressional legislation adversely affecting your business, property and personal investments (Congress is in the back pocket of the Banksters), or any number of factors beyond your control (and in theirs). But the truly Wealthy in this country are not only outside of the 'boom and bust' economic cycles, they CONTROL them to their own benefit - and everyone else's detriment! If you are truly wealthy, it is nearly impossible to become otherwise. You can't even GIVE away your fortune, since it is usually self-perpetuating and often so diverse and huge that it can't be totally comprehended, let alone annhilated!

That's not to say that being wealthy or even capitalism is an evil thing. But it has been a long time since we practiced true capitalism in this country. Our economy is managed and controlled out of Washington and Wall Street just as surely as a Five-Year-Plan in the old Soviet Union. And we all know how successful THOSE plans were. What is needed in this country is a renewal of our basic values: honest pay for an honest day's work; a sound currency that is not at the whims of controlling private bankers; local control of local issues, instead of micromanagement from drone bureaucrats in Washington; elimination of the incestuous 'revolving-door' relationship between regulators and the regulated; and (most importantly) a movement away from the 'bigger is better' movement in corporate America that has eliminated much of the small and medium business stock and that has broken the backbone of the once-vital Middle Class.

Americans want control over their lives and their futures once again - not a promise of a well-managed life from far away in Washington. Having the bureaucrats and politicians in Washington try to run business and individual communities and lives hand-in-hand with their paymasters on Wall Street is a recipe for downfall of the American Republic. It's not too late to fix things, but the time is getting very short.

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I am a 47-year-old lifelong Republican with strong libertarian (small 'l') leanings. I have felt the party has left me over the last 8 years, as more money and big-government interest took over the leadership.
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