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The Obama Administration: February 15-28, 2011

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This article is the 51st in a continuing series chronicling the unfolding history of the Obama Administration. The writer's opinions are not offered, leaving the readers to arrive at their own conclusions.


" In a world that is more competitive than ever before, it's our job to make sure that America is the best place on Earth to do business. Now, part of that requires knocking down barriers that stand in the way of a company's growth, which is why I've proposed lowering the corporate tax rate and eliminating unnecessary regulations. It also requires getting our fiscal house in order, which is why I've proposed a five-year spending freeze that will reduce the deficit by $400 billion. That's a freeze that will bring our annual domestic spending to its lowest share of the economy since Eisenhower was President ."__Barack Obama, President of the United States, February 18, 2011


Day722/Feb15th/Tuesday: The President conducted a press conference on his 2012 budget from the South Court Auditorium of the White House. Transcript Video 2012 Budget.pdf

T he President honored recipients of the 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House. The Honorees were:

George Herbert Walker Bush , the 41st President of the United States
Angela Merkel , the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
John Lewis , a leader of the Civil Rights Movement and U.S. Congressman
John H. Adams , co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council
Dr. Maya Angelou , author, poet, educator, producer, actress, filmmaker, and civil rights activist and Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University
Warren Buffett , American investor, industrialist, and philanthropist
Jasper Johns , American artist
Gerda Weissmann Klein , a Jewish Holocaust survivor who had written several books about her experiences
Dr. Tom Little (Posthumous), was an optometrist who was brutally murdered on August 6, 2010, by the Taliban in the Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan, Afghanistan, along with nine other members of a team returning from a humanitarian mission to provide vision care in the remote Parun valley of Nuristan
Yo-Yo Ma , cellist
Sylvia Mendez , civil rights activist of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent
Stan Musial , a baseball legend and Hall of Fame first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals
Bill Russell , former Boston Celtics' Captain
Jean Kennedy Smith , founder of VSA, a non-profit organization affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center that promotes the artistic talents of children, youth and adults with disabilities
John J. Sweeney , President of the AFL-CIO from 1995 to 2009.   Transcript Video

The President and Vice President Joe Biden met with United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in the Oval Office of the White House.


  Day723/Feb16th/Wednesday: T he President met with United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . Source

The President and Vice President Joe Biden met with the Senate Democratic Leadership. Source

The President delivered remarks in the East Room of the White House on the America's Great Outdoors Initiative. Transcript Video

The President sent these nominations to the United States Senate:

Timothy M. Cain , of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina

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Retired, Robert Arend was president of an AFSCME local from 1997-2007.
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