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Farmer Harry Young: Open Letter to Congress

By Harry Young  Posted by Monica Davis (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   No comments
Message Monica Davis




Harry Young

270 275-4590



Farmer Harry Young Lobbies President and Congress to Save Black and White Middle Class Farmers’ Land


TO our Esteemed Members of Congress:

The purpose of this letter to the President and members of the United States Congress is that I would like for them to tell me why I cannot get a day in Court, despite filing 500 pages in US District Court. I continue to contact all 535 members of congress, but I get very few replies. When you members of Congress do reply, you say "this is not in my district."


If you are a member of Congress, if you are a lawmaker in the USA, this IS your concern.

Allegedly the FHA/FSA account records of my account reflect a loan balance of approximately $139,000 as of 1980. As of today, the USDA has not verified or substianted this balance, or any other amount in by providing sufficient, written documentation, which is required by law in foreclosure proceedings.


Our family has documentation showing payments made to the FSA ($121, 800.26). The USDA has not, or will not acknowledge these payments. I also have signed receipts from Joseph I. Wathen, the local Daviess County FHA supervisor showing that he received the money. All FSA will say is that I have not made a payment in 20 years. From national televised news, I understand that John Edwards is coming to Kentucky and has asked President Bush to come with him. Something is wrong down here.

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Wanna be member of the anti-word police, author, columnist, activist and muckraker extraordinaire. Author of:

Land, Legacy and Lynching: Building the Future for Black America

Urban Asylum: Politics, Lunatics and the Refrigerator (more...)

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