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CNBC: Poisoned Goods Worth the Lower Cost

By Sandy Sand  Posted by Sandy Sand (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 3 pages)   5 comments
Message Sandy Sand
"[I]f China were to revalue its currency or China is to start making, say, toys that don't have lead in them or food that isn't poisonous, their costs of production are going to go up, and that means prices at Wal-Mart here in the United States are going to go up, too. So I would say China is our greatest friend right now." Erin Burnett, hostess of CNBC's Squawk on the Streets" and "Street Signs" on Hardball.

After hearing about this from Stacy Taylor who was guest hosting for Randi Rhodes, I had to read this myself and I still don't believe it.

This woman must be freakin' out of her freakin' mind, and Matthews was so busy flippin' over her and flirting that he didn't pause for an instant to do a Jon Stewart "Waaaaaa?" double take.

(See portions of transcript below. Friday, August 10th.)

I doubt he heard one word of her insane statement, and I wonder if her bosses at CNBC heard it either. If I were them she'd be looking for a new job...in a Chinese slave labor factory.

I'm not even going to try to be polite here and use p.c. words. This woman is an evil thinker, if not an evil person. An eely, heartless corporate mouthpiece whose hatred for U.S. consumers and their children is only equalled by her blind love for heartless, profiteering, cold, impersonal, don't give a crap about anything than the bottom line corporate honchos.

I know nothing about this woman, Erin Burnett, but from that one ill-conceived idea she must be a closet masochist, who pulled the wings off butterflies when she was a kid, roots for the matador at bull fights, and is the most hardhearted of Hannahs who doesn't mind seeing kids poisoned for the sake of the almighty dollar. Perhaps in a former life she was an evil matron in an English orphanage in the time of little Ollie Twist.

Does she have tots at home? I have no idea, but if she does I'd like to Fed-Ex her a box of lead-painted toys filled with B-B magnets that are clearly marked Made in China, and see how quickly she tosses them in the trash where they belong.

Even though she has the colossal nerve to tell us we're foolishly China-shy, odds are if she has children, she's placed a restraining order on all Chinese-made toys, and they can't get within a thousand yards of her kids.

No, those toys are for the kids of Wal-Mart shoppers, who are most likely moms and dads who've lost their jobs that were outsourced to China. Chances are that some of those moms and dads who are standing in line at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles used to work on the line at Mattel in El Segundo, California.

According to Burnett, the Chinese are our best friends and we should allow them to do anything they want. Truth be known, they are not our best friends; China is our Simon Legree landlord and can foreclose on us any time it wants.

The Chinese literally hold the keys to our economic kingdom. We've sold them so much of our debt that they can call the shots without fear of retaliation.

If we are to take Burnett seriously, it's okay for the Chinese to market poisoned toothpaste; break contracts with Mattel and sell our children toys decorated with leaded paint, toys stuffed with tiny magnets and dolls that have luminescent eyes because they're filled with kerosene; and contaminate our pet food.

According to Burnett, who loves corporate money far more than her fellow Americans, says we should take whatever the Chinese serve up as consumer products, and we should always be hungry for more...more...more.

We know what the main courses have been; now we're left wondering what remains in their poison pantry that we haven't been served yet.

Excerpts for Hardball, August 10th

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Sandy Sand began her writing career while raising three children and doing public relations work for Women's American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training). That led to a job as a reporter for the San Fernando Valley Chronicle, a (more...)
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