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Tavis Smiley, Be Glad the Pubs are Staying Away

By       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   3 comments
Message Sandy Sand

Hell, no, the Publicans won't go to a candidates' forum hosted by Tavis Smiley on Sept. 27th, and hell, no,  Tavis Smiley, you should not have given them a polite second invite after they turned up their pointy racist noses at you.  They've shown you and the entire country their true racist stripes.

They won't come!  Who needs them!?

You certainly don't need the likes of  Giuliani, Romney, Thompson and McCain to stand before you and lie in your face, and tell you that they actually care about black people and their problems

They're all the same, and reflective of what Bush said at his press conference on Friday about Pubs reaching out to blacks and other minoritiy communities.  His comments were yet another example of  his lying, politically correct, politically opportunistic things to say, without a drop of sincerity behind them.

I have one word for you: Katrina.

If New Orleans were New Haven, Connecticut, Kenebunkport, Maine, or Seattle, Washington, they'd  be completely rebuilt by now and the citizens wouldn't be living a poisonous trailers.  If the bursting dam didn't kill 'em, Bush, FEMA and their toxic trailers are finishing the job.   And, they don't give a damn.

Here is a question posed to Bush at his Friday 9/21 news conference and his answer:

Q Mr. President, ...You have worked very hard to bring blacks and Hispanics into your party, but the fallout from the immigration debate, and even some Republican presidential candidates' refusal to go to debates at Univision, as well as Morgan State, calls into question whether or not the state of race relations is deteriorating in this country, and specifically in your party. Your thoughts?

BUSH: My advice to whoever will be our nominee is to reach out to the African American community, as well as other communities, because I believe that we've got a very strong record when it comes to empowerment, when it comes to education, or home ownership, or small business formation.

One:  The questioner must have been a Fox News plant, just like the last questioner was who asked about the MoveOn ad, because there is no proof anywhere that Bush has done anything to  "work hard at bringing blacks and Hispanics into the party."  The above is Bush-speak for "tell 'em what they want to hear."

Two: Really, do you or anyone believe that tripe?  The Christian right believed it and blessed Bush for it.   Bush told them they were No. 1 in his book.   It wasn't until much later that they found out it  was bull, and the White House was disparaging them behind their backs at every opportunity.

Three: Where's the "strong record" to show he's done anything to bring "empowerment" to blacks " when it comes to education, or home ownership, or small business formation."  That's simply more Bush canned crap.

They'll reach out to you all right, and then kick you in the ass on your way out the door.

How anybody who is black or gay can possible be a Republican, support Publicans, or want to hear them speak, it absolutely beyond me. 

It's also beyond me how after being turned down, you can ask them to reconsider.  It's like being an unrequited lover who won't take "no" for an answer.

If it's lip service you want, it's lip service you'll get from them.

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Sandy Sand began her writing career while raising three children and doing public relations work for Women's American ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training). That led to a job as a reporter for the San Fernando Valley Chronicle, a (more...)
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