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9/11 The New Pearl Harbor Film

Lance Ciepiela
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This is my review of a new film about 9/11 - the kind of film I would like to have made if only I had this Italian filmmaker's abilities. There is no fiction in Massimo Mazzucco's film except in the sense that it clearly and relentlessly exposes every part of the official account as fictional - David Ray Griffin. Source

Seven Parts - treat Air Defense, The Hijackers, The Airplanes, The Pentagon, Flight 93, The Twin Towers, and Building 7. In each part, after presenting facts that contradict the official story, Mazzucco deals with the claims of the debunkers, meaning those who try to debunk the evidence provided by the 9/11 research community - Source

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Lance Ciepiela is a retired senior who had an interesting career in government service - a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Vietnam-Era veteran, who became interested in restoring the Constitution after I realized that W Bush had attacked (more...)

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