Perhaps one of the most prevalent and official 'conspiracy theories' of the 21st Century that was/and still is accepted 'as gospel' by our presidents, congress, our elected and appointed officials all across America, even building memorials in the States and 'giving pause to remember' (but with no #SpotlightOnSeven) the 'dastardly deed' on each anniversary of 9/11/01 - #DispatchAudio. #WTC7.
Those 'nineteen hijackers', mostly from our 'steadfast' ally Saudi Arabia, boldly attacking America on 9/11 AM, totally by surprise without any interception whatsoever by our 'air defense forces', in 'hijacked airliners', without the experience to fly, demolishing the 2 Twin Towers in New York City in the AM, approximately, one hour apart, by 'massive explosions', and killing 'almost' 3,000 persons, then later exploding a small hole into the side of the Pentagon Building with another already detected 'hijacked airliner' but without any interception, destruction, or defense by our air defense force interceptors or the building missile defenses, causing even more 'explosions reported going off' from inside the Pentagon, and then in the late afternoon Building 7 gets itself demolished at 5:20 PM, having been 'totally destroyed' in only 6.5 seconds by some 'office fires' ("column 79 buckles", says NIST Lead Technical Investigator Shyam Sunder) that had already been extinguished by the time the Tower comes down, according to an 'official report', 'put out' some 3 years later by our federal NIST Agency (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) #LeadInvestigator - Clip from Film: "They [federal investigators] ignored evidence. And it wasn't because they didn't know about it" - covered on national #FoxNewsRadio.
No official scientific (to investigate for 'explosives') or criminal investigation (to determine 'who' had pre-planted and then detonated explosives demolishing the 3 Towers) of 9/11 has ever taken place and no grand juries have been 'empowered' to investigate the evidence 'on file' of the federal, state, and local crimes ('the bombings of places of public use and government facilities') perpetrated on 9/11/01 - #evidence.
Yes, the 'official conspiracy story' of the 'nineteen hijackers' of 9/11 'still stands', remains 'rock solid', over at the White House and in the Halls of Congress, and the State Capitals and Governor Mansions, but yes, most certainly, 'it is "beyond any doubt" that 'explosives' - not plane impacts and fires alone - had destroyed the three World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001, say the New York Area Fire Commissioners - all the 'explosives reported' going off, 'almost simultaneously' said Trump on 9/11 - #GrandJury #RedPillExpo.