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Diary    H3'ed 4/25/18

A magnificent profane rant-- Must See

Jerry Lobdill
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Here's a diatribe that is over the top...at least it would be for me. It runs about 23 minutes. My reaction to it was amusement, even though I am in full agreement with the ranter, Steve Grumbine. He's bitching about how frustrating it is to try so hard to get people who say they are progressive to get on board Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and witness the results of the effort.

Steve is the owner and producer of the RealProgressives videos found on YouTube. The Facebook page is here: .facebook.com/RealProgressive/

Steve is a rabid promoter of MMT and has met all of the MMT economists who are lecturing on the internet.

Check it out.


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I am a retired physicist and hold a B.S. in Ch. E. as well. I have been an environmental activist since the early 1970s. I was a founding member of the Save Barton Creek Association in Austin, TX. In 2006 I was a member of a select (more...)

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