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Jerry Lobdill

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I am a retired physicist and hold a B.S. in Ch. E. as well. I have been an environmental activist since the early 1970s. I was a founding member of the Save Barton Creek Association in Austin, TX. In 2006 I was a member of a select committee of the Philmont Staff Association to advise Philmont Scout Ranch about opposing El Paso Natutal Gas's plan to drill and frack in the Valle Vidal in Carson National Forest. I studied the technology of horizontal gas drilling and the environmental effects associated with it. We defeated the plan proposed by El Paso Natural Gas. have been an active opponent of urban gas drilling in Fort Worth, TX since 2006. My present focus is global warming and the ominous effect of increasing atmospheric CO2.
I have been a writer of opinion pieces and other essays since about 1995 and am a published author of history of the old west. My book, Last Train To El Paso--the Mysterious Unsolved Murder of a Cattle Baron was published in 2014. I have had two articles published in Wild West magazine,. The most recent one, titled "How Jim Miller Killed Pat Garrett" was the lead article in the August 2018 issue.

I have studied monetary systems since 1968.

I am an owner of a home with mineral rights in Fort Worth, Texas. I am politically a progressive.


OpEd News Member for 940 week(s) and 6 day(s)

42 Articles, 124 Quick Links, 3518 Comments, 25 Diaries, 1 Series, 0 Polls

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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 8, 2020
Why I'm writing a new book about our sorry state of affairs This article announces my next book-writing project.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 31, 2020
Bad Money, Wall Street, Steven Mnuchin, and Michael Hudson, My Take This article contains my thoughts about the recent new giveaway to the Fed.
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 19, 2019
An Impeachment Issue That Has Gone Begging This article poses a question about impeachment that has no obvious legal answer. The question goes to interpretation of "sole power" and "discretion". The answer could be the Achilles heel of the US Constitution.
A Bambusa Balcooa clump (not Beema) at Rivers End Nursery, Bayview, TX, 2008, From Uploaded
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Making War on Climate Change If you are tired of all the "Ain't it awful?" articles about climate change and want to do something useful to make war on climate change, this article recommends a project that could make all the difference. You CAN help us win this war.
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 28, 2018
When will the fed stop raising the interest rates? Aren't the interest rates high enough already? This article is republished from Quora. It is my response to a question posed on that site. It explains the disconnect between Federal Reserve interest rates and the state of the economy.
(20 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 27, 2018
We are drifting toward disaster As Trump battles for attention we are amplifying his every lie and increasingly outrageous antics. This article recommends a way to return to normal and avoid societal collapse.
(17 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 18, 2018
About Sectoral Balances, MMT, and Regulating for full employment and no hyperinflation This article discusses the Sectoral Balances identity derived in a previous article and elsewhere in the YouTubes and articles found on the web. The focus is a particular graph that is published in a Wikipedia article and appears in some YouTubes. It illustrates the importance of distinguishing between the rentier economy and the real economy.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
A new dawn beckons, From FlickrPhotos
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Money--Whence It Came, Where it Went, and The Rules This is the second article in a series. In this article we focus on the fiat currency system we now have and the promise it holds.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
USCurrency Federal Reserve, From WikimediaPhotos
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 27, 2017
About Money, the Federal Budget, and Taxes This is the first article of a planned series about the nature of money, why it is accepted, how it is used, what it is used for, why we have crashes, recessions, and depressions, whether anything can be done about these situations, and if so, how it could be done.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park, From FlickrPhotos
(26 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 6, 2017
Why the Left Can't Beat the Establishment This article explains why the left can't beat the establishment. Please read and comment. It's an important topic.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Trump must divest or put every business asset he owns in a blind trust or the Republic is doomed The most critical issue is not getting the attention it deserves. A head of state who keeps his businesses when he is inaugurated is a man who is for sale to the highest bidder. This cannot be allowed. Now is the time to stop his attempts to avoid a clean brak.
Medicare...Who needs it? We all do!, From GoogleImages
(20 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 23, 2016
To arms! To arms! The Republicans are coming! This short article is an alarm for anyone who thinks Medicare should not be cancelled. Paul Ryan has other ideas.
The Globalization of War by Michel Chossudovsky. Book Review ..., From GoogleImages
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 20, 2016
New Book -- The Globalization of War, by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, This is a commentary on a new book, The Globalization of War, by Prof.Michel Chossudovsky, based on promotional material about it. It is now available in PDF format at a very reasonable price.
THIS IS NOT A DREAM - THIS IS REAL #dreams #dreamer #danapoint #light #livingthedream #sunset #sailing #thesoulclann, From FlickrPhotos
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Take a break. Watch this video (non-political) It's just about a man, his dream, his boat, and a mountain. There's a message here, though words fail me.
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 18, 2016
Question Received Wisdom; Learn What We Don't Know, And Let the Chips Fall Where They May Can you stomach received wisdom? I can't. This article is about what is wrong with the world's economy and recommends authors who know the answer and two of their books that can help us to learn what Wall Street doesn't want us to know. We can't propose changes in our system if we don't know what we don't know. The truth has been known for 5000 years. It's time we were told.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Partners in crime, From ImagesAttr
(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 18, 2016
About that QE "lending" that has been paid off (NOT) This article exposes the lie Chris Cuomo told last night during the Town Hall with Jill Stein. The lie was first invented by Wall Street to mitigate their outrageous use of the money to pay their henchmen.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Hillary and Timothy Geithner, From FlickrPhotos
(40 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 11, 2016
When the next crash comes do you want Hillary in charge? This article exposes the perpetrators of the 2008 crash. The source for this information is Michael Hudson's book, "Killing the Host". The case for a repeat of the QE solution if Hillary is POTUS in 2017 is made. Who will you vote for?
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Occupy_nov17_PM_DSC_0130lj, From FlickrPhotos
(9 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 23, 2016
Business cycles--Why they occur and how to avoid them This article exposes the fraud that is impoverishing us. Dr. Michael Hudson's books and website gives us the answer. We need to understand this. It's a Ponzi scheme that was being used in the con game that John Perkins participated in as an economic hit man and is now being used on us.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Smoke and mirrors, From FlickrPhotos
(33 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 31, 2016
The Fatal Flaw of Our Fiat Monetary System The Federal Reserve System and the US Treasury have used a smoke and mirrors story to explain QE. The story is obviously phony, and it is an example of the (deliberate) fatal flaw in the design of the system.
Series: Margaret Thatcher was wrong. There IS an alternative (11 Articles, 24384 views)
Kurdish YPG Fighters, From FlickrPhotos
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 25, 2016
Unraveling the Syria War Chessboard // Empire_File017

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