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Barack Obama Pirate Captain of Derivative TARP TANIC and Nuclear Iran

Karen Fish
Message Karen Fish

After last night’s speech to congress, the Supremes, and the cabinet, Barack Obama’s approval ratings shot up to 80%, kind of like the support for George Bush after 911. Imagine the CEOs of the big banks going to Santa Anita and betting $10 Billion each on the favorite, Pegasus. They drive the odds down to 1 to 9 and Pegasus runs dead last. Henry Paulson calls Barack Obama from the track: “Hussein, we just blew $10 billion on Pegasus in the 4th, HELP!” Obama: “Don’t worry Hank, ‘The Syrian’, Tony Rezko will be there with the money in a brown paper bag in half an hour.” 

Since the global economic meltdown a few months ago, the average American person has been told countless times that the banks aren’t loaning money, that the credit markets are frozen, and that this is the cause of the global financial collapse.  

A few months ago, President George Bush threatened the members of Congress that is they didn’t pass Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s $700 Billion TARP troubled asset relief program immediately, that he would declare martial law. Henry Paulson showed up at Capitol Hill with a one page ransom note demanding $700 billion and absolutely no oversight. Hank Paulson was the chairman of bank giant Goldman Sachs before being promoted to Treasury Secretary, and collector for George Bush.  

The well thought out TARP plan was for the government to buy the toxic assets of the big banks. A plan deemed so important by the President of the United States that he was itching to declare martial law, to turn the Lincoln Memorial into Tiananmen Square, if it was not passed by Congress, was dumped into Henry Paulson’s garbage can once Bush and Paulson had the money. Instead of TARPING, buying up the derivatives, President Bush decided to buy shares in the big private insolvent banks, and the chief executive officers decided to use the money, not to loan out, but to buy smaller banks, and to vote themselves and their friends billions of dollars in bonuses for crashing the world into the iceberg. 

Barack Obama was a big supporter of TARP, as was John McCain. Those on the left thought, “O.K. It’s worth $700 billion to avoid martial law, the cancellation of the Presidential election, and years more of Bush Cheney. Lets give them the money and in a few months Barack Obama will get in and save us all.” Oh that it were so my friend. 

Barack Obama used the hatred of George Bush, Dick Cheney and the Congress to sweep to victory on pledges of hope and change and pledges to wash special interests and lobbyists out of Washington for good for what they have done to us. Barack Obama promised to protect us, he vowed that he would never allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and that a nuclear Iran would be a “game changer”. 

Guess what. Last week Iran launched a satellite on an intercontinental ballistic missile. Yesterday the UN mentioned that they made a tiny miscalculation and Iran now has enough enriched uranium that they have detected in their once per year inspection to make a nuclear bomb. Europe sold the tunneling equipment to Iran for their numerous underground hidden uranium enrichment facilities. Iran’s nuclear program is spread out deep underground, so the US and Israel cannot hit it like Menachim Begin hit the French built Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osirak, Iraq, just south of Baghdad in 1981.  

Today, Iran and their armies, the Shiite Iraqi Government, Hamas and Hezbollah are celebrating. Today marks the opening of the Russian built, Russian staffed Iranian nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Iran. Meanwhile, Barack Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor, declaring “Economic Mission Accomplished” in the pseudo state of the union address, and telling Americans that after spending $3 trillion dollars in the first 3 weeks, he is going to halve the deficit by bringing the combat troops home from Iraq in 2 years. Hank Paulson has bet heavily through credit default swaps that the world will not be here in 2 years.  

In order to understand the credit crunch one needs to be Dr. Howard Dean jumping up and down on Oprah’s couch. Is it possible that the looming Apocalypse in Nuclear World War III and the global financial meltdown are just hoaxes by Swiss based Hoffmann - La Roche to sell valium? This week Alabama senator Richard Shelby questioned Barack Obama’s citizenship. It seems that some people in high places are worried that on the verge of the nuclear Armageddon between Christianity and Judaism versus Islam, the US just elected as Commander in Chief, the son of a Muslim who was educated in the most populous Mulsim country in the world. “Holy Judas Batman, that cartoon was no joke!”  

The global financial arteries are clogged with “derivatives”. The main problem with derivatives is that our politicians, not to mention the taxpayers have no idea what derivatives are. Thank God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Yehovah, Elohim, and Allah, the other Katherine Harris explains derivatives to us simply in one page in her brilliantr article, “Derivatives for Dummies.” http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2009/02/18/exclusive-derivatives-for-dummies-by-the-other-katherine-harris/    

Put simply, derivatives are gigantic enormous fraudulent and illegal bets made by the world’s big banks on everything and anything including the exact date of the Apocalypse. The other Katherine Harris ends her article by saying, “Why, instead of doling out trillions of taxpayer dollars through the Fed and Treasury Department, didn’t our government simply nullify these crazy bets that never should have been made — thereby averting the present crisis?” This is the $10 trillion question. This, rendering the derivatives null and void and bankrupcy court are what is needed to unfreeze the credit markets immediately.

The economists are now calling the big banks zombie banks, dead men walking, because they are like pac men gobbling up all of our hard earned dollars. When Barack Obama says, “The buck stops here”, it means that after the Fed, a group of self regulating private banks gets through fleecing the US public to pay off their gargantuan bets, derivatives, what Alan Greenspan calls financial weapons of mass destruction, and prints trillions of dollars to line their own pockets, the buck will stop having any value.  

Barack Obama is shifting the US military from Iraq to Afghanistan, except that Vladimir Putin just evicted him from the only base supplying Afghanistan, in Kyrgystan. Last night Barack Obama told the world, “Trust me, I get it. It’s not about helping banks, it’s about helping people.” Yes, the next $2 trillion TARP Bailout money announced by Barack Obama is all about helping the few people who “run” the big banks. Tim Geithner and Henry Paulson are like Dick Cheney and Halliburton. We knew that “The Syrian” arranged for the purchase of Barack Obama’s home, but we believed that he had changed.  

The reason that even Barack Obama plans to keep 50,000 non combat troops in Iraq is because on the day the US leaves Iraq, nuclear armed Iran and Syria, (the UN just confirmed that Israel did blow up their nuclear plant) along with their puppet masters Russia and China, (the supporters of North Vietnam who defeated the United States), will march south and conquer Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf States. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby is afraid that on that day, our commander in chief is going to fly to his home in Indonesia, with $10 trillion of our money, in Swiss bank accounts, or worse. “Jeremiah was a bullfrog, Was a good friend of mine, I never understood a single word he said, But I helped him a-drink his wine, And he always had some mighty fine wine, Singin'...Joy to the world, All the boys and girls now, Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, Joy to you and me. If I were the king of the world, Tell you what I'd do, I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war, and make sweet love to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFypAB7nYGA    Picture our President sitting in the front row for years, echoing “God Damn America!”           


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Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.

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