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Bob Brady Seeks to Limit Voters choices

Darren Wolfe
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Democrat Bob Brady is challenging his Republican opponent's signatures in his bid to retain his seat in the US House of Representatives. He represents Pennsylvania's 1st
congressional district
. This according to his opponent Pia Varma.

One can only wonder at how these people in government, who are supposed to be protecting our right to choose our leaders, see a move like this as acceptable. It becomes all the more obvious that these kind of politics are only about power and money, not the will of the people. Hopefully, the voters will see through this and reject the corrupt old ways.
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Darren Wolfe is the former Eastern Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. He presently blogs as the International Libertarian http://www.theinternationallibertarian.blogspot.com/ His articles have also appeared in Ammoland.com, (more...)

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