I took myself to see "Captain America - Brave New World".
The part of the movie, the only part of the movie, that grabbed me, was when Harrison Ford, as president Thaddeus Ross, gave into his anger which he was struggling to hold back for most of the movie. He was at a press conference when he began to turn into red Hulk. I identified with his terrifying (to him) transformation because it reminded me of what it feels like when the dam of conscious control is beginning to collapse and you feel the pressure of countless tons of water behind, leaning against the paltry wall of earth or concrete and you know if you weaken, if you relent, the great reservoir will become a great flood that will decimate the unsuspecting valley. That is an apt description of a panic attack or a nervous breakdown.
When and if the dam breaks there is relief along with the sensation of having lost oneself to chaos because at last you can stop trying to resist. But the big question, the existential question, and perhaps the question we should be asking ourselves right around now is, is the chaos needed? Does it serve a purpose in the larger picture? Is the dam our defense against the truth of who we really are?
Is it heroic and courageous or cowardly to be a dam? Is there a red Hulk in me? No, I don't think so, but I cannot deny that the moment the Ford character couldn't hold back his Hulk-shadow was the moment that tears came to my eyes - just a few, that I had to wipe away to see the screen. When President Ross becomes the Hulk all the reporters are crowded around him, the cameras are on him so the whole world is watching, including his daughter who he had just arranged to meet in a grove of blossoming cherry trees by the Potomac for their long overdue reunion. So when the dam broke, losing her trust would be a casualty of the chaotic flood of the release of his anger.
I wrote to a couple of friends (homesteaders and organic gardeners) yesterday, after sending them an article (from BBC World) about how Vermont farmers are experimenting with using human urine to fertilize their fields. As I read that article all I could think of was that they aren't testing the urine for the toxins in our food that we pee out, and the one that was flashing like a red neon sign in my brain was glyphosate. I did a quick google search to see if glyphosate concentrates in urine and it does. In fact glyphosate doesn't stay in the body or break down. It passes through our gut, poisoning our microbiome in the process and through our plumbing, and we eliminate it, which would work for us, if it was a one-time poisoning, but the American diet of industrial processed food makes sure that we stay addicted to a menu that will keep us sick, weak and malleable.
Whoa! What? Sick, weak and malleable?
Yes, we are what we eat. And the chemical industry dominates the food industry.
The President Ross character was taking pills for a genetically compromised heart to keep him alive, but the evil guy was lacing those pills with low levels of gamma radiation that was building up in his body, and breaking down his ability to control his Hulk-shadow.
That is like the average American. (Incidentally, I have come to terms with how there is such a thing as the "average American". It's real and quantifiable, which is how the United States manages to function as a corporate state.) Anyway, the average American is drinking the Kool Aid, that is, eating processed and conveniently packaged food that nourishes them just enough so they can do their lives, but, at the same time it is ravaging (poisoning) their immune systems so that most of the diseases that are killing Americans these days are due to suppressed and frantic immune systems, confused and dumbed down by a toxic diet.
Why would corporate America do this to Americans? Because healthy, whole, individuated people wouldn't tolerate the insanity that passes for the American way.
The way this country conducts its business is an outrage.
The dam that holds back the reservoir is whatever temporary bulwark is holding off their next autoimmune flare-up. Maybe their dam is a hydroelectric dam that releases water under pressure to drive turbines that keep the lights on and maintain the power grid so the system (or Matrix) can continue. The United States, which is owned and run by corporations, uses its citizenry, primarily to consume but also to sign off on its wars. This is very dark.
So what if people stopped drinking the Kool Aid, peeing out glyphosate and all the rest of the crap they have been consuming once and for all? Well, first the economy would fold. Coca Cola, McDonalds, Fritos and Captain Crunch would be history. I guarantee that the average American would start feeling better, stronger and clearer. Also the red-Hulk of a haywire immune system would calm down!
I often try to imagine what the economy would like if everyone lived and consumed like me, or my homesteading neighbors and friends. It's a beautiful thought.