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Conservatives on Government Handouts: Hypocrites?

Douglas g
Message Grant Lawrence
....As some of you know my entire monthly income comes from the government as a result of my service connected 100% disability for combat PTSD.....So for AWE purposes and to appease the liberal contingent here I'll assume the title as being a 'welfare' recipient since its the government paying my way.

....Its interesting and somewhat amusing to me to see how liberals jump all over me for my having the tenacity and or will power to seek alternative methods of 'income' (moonlighting from my day job of vilifying liberals via the internet) to supplement the measly stipend that the govt allots me. Liberals call me a fraud; that I'm cheating the government; that somehow I've faked my PTSD symptoms; that I'm depriving others of their well earned welfare money (excuse my interrupted laughter) by accepting the government monies....Source: Argue with Everyone

This is interesting. A conservative willing to say that he is on government benefits and then condemning liberals for condemning him.

I often wonder how conservative's receiving government benefits feel when they accept those benefits as they condemn others for wanting help with their need. They fervently condemn families that have very little for wanting help with the basics of survival (like healthcare), while they cash their government checks and complain that they aren't getting enough.

It is interesting to see all the oldsters at the Tea Parties that collect social security and medicare government benefits while condemning public healthcare.

These conservatives hypocrites take their government programs and feel entitled to them while they condemn those in need for their need.

This type of thinking is obviously twisted and I think not very Christian.

Most of these conservatives receiving government handouts would likely call themselves Christian but they have no idea of Christ's message of Love. They are conservatives on public welfare, that demand and take government benefits for themselves, but won't consider others getting help.

But Jesus taught that we should not only seek to help others, but that we should deny ourselves of things so that others can survive. When the rich man asked how he could gain access to the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus told him to go sell everything and give it to the poor.

But what is even stranger than the irrationality, greed, selfishness, and hypocrisy of Conservatives on government support is that these Conservatives generally have no problem with massive corporate welfare and corporate fraud. They don't care if tens of trillions went to bail out the rich banksters, they just want to make sure the poor and those in need don't get anything.

I am all for people in need having access to government help. I am not for the rich receiving welfare. I guess this is why I am a Progressive and not a Conservative.

I don't condemn Conservatives for taking government benefits. Still their hypocrisy is more than a bit annoying. Conservative Teabaggers on government welfare are not only hypocrites, but they are really harming others in need. They are actively working against the poor and the working people of America having a chance at survival.

But ultimately we get the society we allow. If live selfishly and act so that others have little, then we will find a highly stratified society in which massive poverty and neglect will help breed the worst forms of social behavior.

Many of these Conservative teabaggers will soon be dead or in a nursing home, supported by government benefits. But their children and grandchildren will have to live in the society these aged hypocrites helped bring about.

I hope these Conservative hypocrites find that their God is a Loving God and not a God of Vengeance. Or else it might be a little warm where they are going.
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