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(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, April 22, 2010 Troubled Soldier Speaks Out about the 2007 Apache Attack Slaughter of Iraqi Innocents
Like every other war, soldiers, like McCord, pay for the wars with their lives and limbs, and their psyches. While they suffer for the atrocities that they had to commit, the psychopaths that profit from it will not lose an ounce of sleep. In fact, they will continue to amass ungodly wealth for their ungodly actions.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 9, 2010 CEO Creep: 1300 Violations a Part of Running a Mine that Killed 25 Workers
CEO Blankenship is a true believer in God. That gives him the right to endanger his workers, endanger coal communities, and endanger the planet to amass his ungodly wealth. He will praise Jesus and live lavishly and comfortably, knowing that the most that is likely to happen to him is that Massey Energy will pay another fine for the deaths of the miners. Just like he had to do in the past.
(22 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Breaking Through the Monkey Mind by Cultivating our Infinite Buddha Mind
There is a greater mind out there that we all share in. It has been called the Infinite Buddha Mind. Some might call it God, but that term has certain connotations that may limit an understanding of it. It is a mind not outside ourselves, but it is the foundation of our very selves.
SHARE Tuesday, April 6, 2010 The Passion of the Pope: Propaganda and Blame Games
According to the Pope's personal preacher Father Raniero Cantalamessa, in a Good Friday Sermon, the Pope is suffering like that of Jews enslaved and gassed in Nazi work camps or tortured during the inquisitions.
(7 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 28, 2010 US Marine: I will Fight American Civilians
For well over a decade the American military has been engaging in training exercises in US cities. The Military claims it is preparing for wars in cities because that is where the wars will be fought. They are almost certainly correct. But there is likely something more going on with these war simulations.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 27, 2010 Dog Food for the Oldsters and Trillions to the Banksters
Trillions were given to the banksters that brought on the depression. Yet when money falls short for the oldsters because of the bankster deppression, the solution is to gut social security.
SHARE Thursday, March 25, 2010 Hannity's Hoaxes: The Uncharitable Scamming of the Gullible
It is certainly shameful that a great deal of the money generated for Hannity's charity actually goes for consultants and expenses. But what is even more shameful is that the very policies that Hannity and the other clownish right wing radio talkers advocate have contributed so much suffering of the Veterans and their families.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Was the Iraq War 'a Horrible Mistake'?
The Iraqi war is now being made to appear as a bumbling bloody mistake when in fact there was no bumbling involved. It was no mistake from the perspective of the financial and corporate elite and their 'war criminal' political puppets.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 16, 2010 The 'Invisible' Black Atheist
Wright and others argue that embracing the religion of the oppressors has led to a mindset of oppression. Thus, accepting the slave master's paradigm of reality has led to invisible chains of social, political, and economic injustice. Christianity is merely a tool to continue the oppression.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 12, 2010 True Believers
When we forsake Reason we suffer for good reason.