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The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum - A Search For The Truth

Lance Ciepiela
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National September 11 Memorial & Museum
National September 11 Memorial & Museum
(Image by Photographing Travis from flickr)
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47 floors = 6.5 seconds. Wow, Building 7 - ("amazing, incredible - pick your word. For the third time today - those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down" - Dan Rather) that was super fast and looked exactly like a perfectly timed demolition and something that was actually intentionally demolished. Weren't they suppose to give the victims some advance notice to "stand clear - demolitions in progress", and "rope off" all the areas where the explosions and the three demolitions were taking place"?

Where are the exhibits of the red/gray thermitic chips or the displays showing melted steel?

Where are the photographs of the explosive squibs - the videos show Building 7's 6.5 seconds collapse?

Where are the archived accounts of the elevator rebuilds or the fleeing Ace Elevator mechanics?

Where are all the wall plaques of the first responders citing count downs and explosions? - Source

9/11 - how it was done.

9/11 and the Science of Building Demolition.

The three 9/11 World Trade Center Towers did not come down in a manner conducive to an office fire, crashing plane, or terrorist attack. All three towers came down precisely like perfectly timed control demolitions - the two Twin Towers in approximately 9 seconds each and Building 7 in 6.5 seconds.

The cry for justice for the nearly 3,000 victims killed, the 343 New York City Firefighters, and all the First Responders, and the New York City Police Officers, and the thousands more whose lives were ruined and cut short, requires a new and independent investigation to determine WHO and to bring to justice THOSE responsible for the sudden and unexpected demolitions and collapses of all three towers - #petition to the president and congress.

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Lance Ciepiela is a retired senior who had an interesting career in government service - a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Vietnam-Era veteran, who became interested in restoring the Constitution after I realized that W Bush had attacked (more...)

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