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9/11 Truth Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Exposition Event

Lance Ciepiela
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Noted Architect Richard Gage, and Seattle, Washington, Firefighter Erick Lawyer, take on the myths of 9/11, one by one..a live video event (three hours-excellent quality video)


"Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center"..read more


"The evidence is now clear. Large amounts of Thermite/Thermate were placed in the towers (WTC 1, 2 & 7) and were responsible for cutting the core columns, slicing the trusses and beams, and pulverizing the concrete in the floors.

Thermate with barium nitrate was used as an "incendiary pyrotechnic" during the first explosions that accompanied the planes hitting the buildings, while nano-sized Super-Thermite was exploded during the demolition to pulverize the concrete in the 220 floor pans of the twin towers.

Thermite cutting charges were also used to cut the core columns to initiate the collapses. The people who engineered the demolition of the World Trade Center clearly did not like the fact that their Thermite secret was being revealed in 2006 and decided to stifle the voices of those who were discussing the evidence. The people who reacted are connected to the people who placed the Thermite in the towers.

When one understands how Thermite and Thermate work, and that these violent reactions produce intense heat, white smoke, and molten iron, the visible evidence of thermitic reactions in the photographs and videos of 9-11 becomes quite obvious. The evidence of flowing molten metal preceded by pressure pulses of white smoke are clearly indicative of thermitic reactions, and can be seen in many videos and photos of the towers"..scroll down to photo..read more


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Lance Ciepiela is a retired senior who had an interesting career in government service - a United States Marine Corps (USMC) Vietnam-Era veteran, who became interested in restoring the Constitution after I realized that W Bush had attacked (more...)

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